“My God, Mary, this child is not of this Earth!” These were the words spoken at the birth of George King on January 23rd, 1919, by his maternal grandmother to his mother. Was this just the emotional reaction of an overjoyed grandmother? Or was it a highly perceptive remark from a straight-talking woman from North Yorkshire, who was known locally for her intuition and psychic insights?
In this secular age the notion of gods is the stuff of myth and legend and not for serious people. Atheism has taken root in much of western civilisation, though it seems extraordinary that anybody could think they know that God does not exist. Even in ufology, some of us have encountered a closed-minded resistance to the spiritual approach in the past, but thankfully that has changed considerably. Those who are open to the existence of divine beings, generally find it much easier to accept such things if they happened in the distant past – not today. A Hindu can readily accept Sri Krishna as an avatar (divine incarnation) whose birth was brought about by the god Vishnu. The conception of the Lord Buddha by his mother, Queen Maya, is recorded by some as miraculous. The birth of the great eighth century Sage, Sri Shankaracharya, is said to have been arranged by the god Shiva. And in nineteenth century India the holy saint Sri Ramakrishna’s birth was accompanied by supernatural incidents and visions including a dream in which Vishnu appeared to his father to reveal that he would be born as his son. The Bible tells of an angel of the Lord appearing to the childless Danites to prepare her for the birth of Samson; and the story surrounding Moses’ adoption by the Pharoah’s daughter suggests divine destiny at work. According to the legends of ancient Greece, Heracles was the progeny of a liaison between the god Zeus and a mortal woman, Alcmene. Despite the centuries of mythologising, which gave human attributes and weaknesses to their gods, was Heracles an example of a time when the Greeks believed in divine incarnations and possibly virgin births? One virgin birth which has been accepted by millions of people for centuries is that of the divine incarnation known as Jesus Christ. His birth was also accompanied by one of the most outstanding UFO reports on record. One thing the so-called Star of Bethlehem could not have been was a star, if we are to believe the Gospel of Saint Mathew’s account that it “came and stood over where the young child was”. Dr George King gave a new clarity to the age-old belief in divine incarnations by introducing the concept of cosmic avatars. It was revealed to him by the gods from space that these were in fact interplanetary beings who had agreed to be born upon Earth in order to perform specific missions. They were not God itself, which cannot be individualised, but extraterrestrials who had accepted the limitation of terrestrial birth in order to give outstanding service to humanity. Those familiar with the history of ufology might be surprised that such incarnations should be necessary. There are accounts from many cultures of visits to our world by interplanetary travellers who were often regarded as gods. Why should such beings as these need to be born through the wombs of Earth women when they could easily travel to this planet openly in space vehicles? Some of the ancient Vedic texts, for example, express clearly the powers of gods like Rama who travelled in their vimanas (the Sanskrit word for celestial spacecraft). And in the Bible a ‘chariot of fire’ and a ‘wheel within a wheel’ perform spectacular manoeuvres for the prophets Elijah and Ezekiel. The only conclusion that a logical UFO believer can draw is that beings from other worlds are either not able, or are not willing, to intervene in the affairs of humanity beyond a certain point. A line has been drawn either by them or some overriding authority which prevents them going further than selected contacts through the ages and a limited plan of intervention. If it were otherwise they could easily, with their superior technology, have taken control of this planet many centuries ago. The Cosmic Masters, who were in communication with Dr King between May 8th, 1954 and his passing on July 12th, 1997, explained this principle by using one very simple and ancient Hindu word, karma. This is the Divine Law which determines that you cannot get anything for nothing. In the New Testament it is best expressed in the words “whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap”. In modern parlance it might be “what goes around comes around”. It means that interplanetary travellers, who abide by cosmic law, are not permitted to interfere with the freewill of the human race, because to do so would be to rob us of the most valuable thing of all – experience. They can help us in certain ways, but even that is relative to the efforts made and the response received from humanity. For example, if governments had not covered up the truth about UFOs for so long, extraterrestrial beings and the spacecraft they use would in turn have been able to be far more open about their presence in our skies. Had humanity as a whole listened to the genuine UFO contactees and taken the messages they received seriously, this would have allowed much greater positive intervention by those who had made such contacts. In this karmic scenario the only way the gods from space could intervene more directly in human affairs was to endure the horrendous process, from their point of view, of being born upon Earth. In doing so they took karma upon themselves, and this enabled Sri Krishna, the Lord Buddha, the Lord Moses, the Master Jesus and others to carry out their missions of salvation upon this world. This may sound like a strange idea, but it is surely more credible than the traditional beliefs connected with divine incarnations. For example, to say that the one and only son of God was born as recently as 2,000 years ago, and lived for 33 years in a specific part of the world, and then to extrapolate through centuries of theology that he was an integral part of the divine trinity, is a far more extreme claim. It is only familiarity with an idea, which has been repeated for hundreds of years, that may make it seem otherwise. The concept of cosmic avatars is a unifying belief. It breaks down religious barriers by removing any exclusivity for their divine origins. Different interplanetary masters have come at different times for different reasons, but they are all part of the same plan for our world. Some cosmic avatars receive world-renown, others come for less public reasons, but they always bring positive change. Although they are not limited to gender, as we are on this Earth, they have often chosen to come in masculine form because of the tasks they needed to accomplish on a planet ruled by men. But whether male or female, famous or not, they all have one remarkable distinguishing characteristic: a complete 24 hours a day commitment, without distraction or deviation, to the mission they have come here to perform. As a close friend, colleague and disciple of Dr George King, who spoke to him pretty well every day for the last 20 years of his life, I can vouch for the fact that he bore this characteristic to a degree that would be alien to most of us. He was on call to be contacted by the Cosmic Masters at any time of the day or night for over 43 years. This did not mean just being physically available, but being mentally capable of receiving the communications they wished to transmit, which were known as transmissions. He had trained for his role as Primary Terrestrial Mental Channel, as they termed him, with an intensity which, as far as I know, is unprecedented in the west, by practising advanced yoga techniques for an average of eight hours a day for ten years. This commenced, just after the Second World War, when he was in his mid 20s, an age when most people would be engaged in very different pursuits. He was, after all, a highly intelligent and very practical person and could easily have achieved worldly success had he chosen to do so. During this training phase he did whatever jobs were necessary to pay his way, including driving, but his entire focus was upon spiritual development – though he did not know then the full reasons why. How many UFO contactees can say that? How many Earth people at any time can say that? In these ten years he was having exceptional experiences including astral projection, levitation, dematerialisation, miraculous healings and mediumistic demonstrations. Unlike others in the paranormal and spiritualistic community of that period, he was determined, helped by his yoga discipline, to have a complete control over and a clear understanding of these phenomena. At no time was he diverted from his chosen path. When he was contacted by an interplanetary master named Aetherius on May 8th, 1954, his whole life took a different trajectory. None of his friends, who were also engaged in psychic and healing work, were qualified to help him with the new direction his life needed to take, nor were they willing to make the changes necessary to travel with him. He, on the other hand, like St. Paul on the road to Damascus, was ready to change course whatever the cost. He made an other-worldly response to an other-worldly summons, and changed his life completely. I consider myself very fortunate to be one of those who was close to a master and UFO contactee of this calibre, though I must admit that it was not always easy. The total focus and demanding regime he expected of himself also translated to those around him, and I must admit that there were too many times when we were found lacking. Even those who are most committed to service in our world of one kind or another take time off, but he did not and, for the most part, nor did we. Day in day out he applied himself to the task he had been given by intelligences from millions of miles away. He could move from the most sublime cosmic transmission received through his advanced mediumistic abilities to the most basic material project with hardly a break. One moment he could be conversing with the gods from space and the next with an all-too-mortal companion such as myself. On one occasion I was with him in a motel room in Arizona in 1986, when he received a mental contact with an intelligence from Mars just before the nuclear accident in Chernobyl in the former Soviet Union. He was told to prepare for a catastrophe which was shortly due and to cooperate with extraterrestrial beings in a series of operations lasting several days to send spiritual energy to the world to help in this situation. These operations did not stop the accident – that would have been a degree of divine intervention which would have contravened the karmic law. But many had reported that it could and should have been far more catastrophic than it was. Some have described it as miraculous that it was not. We later found out that these operations commenced four hours and twenty-three minutes before the accident. The Aetherius Society put on record that year, in our journal Cosmic Voice, that the impact of Chernobyl had been reduced by the intervention of extraterrestrial spacecraft. Sixteen years later in 2002, the Russian journal “Pravda” published a report confirming that hundreds of people had seen a UFO hovering above the nuclear plant while the accident took place. It concluded that this UFO had brought the radiation level down by almost four times, which prevented a devastating nuclear blast. Less dramatically for the world, but unforgettable to me, was an incident in the 1990s when I was with Dr. King in the sitting room of his modest bungalow in Santa Barbara. He entered telepathic rapport with a cosmic master and, despite his frail health at the time, was intense and energised by this contact. He relayed his responses during this two-way communication out loud. To my surprise he introduced me to the communicator. As soon as he did I felt a beautiful, tangible burst of energy, which was much too definite and physical in its effect to be imaginary. It was a wonderful feeling as though I was being greeted by the intelligence concerned. Some of the transmissions received by Dr King brought him elation and enlightenment. A series of teachings known as The Nine Freedoms, for example, which was delivered in Los Angeles in 1961, was a source of revelation to him which inspired some of the greatest metaphysical lectures he ever delivered. But others were far more difficult for him. They brought tremendous pressure into his life by the demands they placed upon him. He was required to climb 18 mountains around the world, some in extremely arduous conditions. He had to skipper a small vessel in turbulent seas off the California coast, in order to fulfil another cosmic instruction. His rigorous mission was expensive in terms of money, time and physical health, and he certainly paid the price for his life’s work. But he did so unconditionally – to an extent which is simply foreign to the human psyche. All the while he was assailed by rejection, disbelief and personal attacks from the orthodox establishment and its media. It was all too easy for them, without investigation, to dismiss him as a cult leader with all the baggage attached to that label. On the contrary, he was an example of all that he taught. He was not wealthy and rarely spent money on himself. He was married to one of his closest disciples, Monique, but lived a life of celibacy for spiritual reasons. He set himself a stricter work regime than anyone who worked for him. In short he was a true example of all that he taught. In the summer of 1995 I was staying with Dr King in Santa Barbara when one day, out of the blue, he turned to me and said: “you seem very prolific – why don’t you write a book with me?” I had written two books, one of which, Unlock Your Psychic Powers, had been declared by its publisher to be an international bestseller. But that amounted to nothing, either in quality or quantity, when compared to the body of works published by Dr King which, I believe, will go down in history as classics of new age metaphysics. The thought, never mind the privilege, of co-authoring a book with Dr King had never occurred to me until he spoke those words and from this brief conversation was born Contacts With The Gods From Space. This turned out to be the last book by Dr King published in his lifetime and a Second Edition of it has been published this year. When writing the Afterword to this new edition, I realised that the book could have been given the different title of “Contacts With A God From Space”. For, far out as it may seem, that is what he was. Of course he would never have accepted such a title. He much preferred to stay focused upon the Cosmic Masters who communicated through him rather than himself. For example, in a television interview in the 1970s in England, he made the following statements when questioned about his cosmic contacts. “To condemn is easy; to investigate is much more difficult, but much more profitable…these messages were given, we do have them down on tape, they have been published. Well, from the philosophical content alone, they are pretty fantastic – so they did come from somewhere. Either they came from my mind or they came from another source. If they came from another source, they’re excellent. If they came from my puny little mind, then I’m quite a person.” There is of course another possibility which Dr King did not offer in that interview – that both are true. It took quite a person to act as Primary Terrestrial Mental Channel and it took quite a person to live as a god in human form – and that must be one of the understatements of all time. Yes, I have to agree with his grandmother – he was not of this Earth. |
AuthorRichard Lawrence Archives
September 2023
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