At the age of 14, I woke up one morning with a question – what is the purpose of life?
At the age of 18, that question was answered through yoga philosophy and especially the teachings of Dr George King and The Aetherius Society: to go back to God through spiritual practice with its main focus being service. At the age of 70, I knew why. Seated on the terrace of our room at a hotel in Tenerife in September 2023, I entered a state of cosmic realization. It took me about an hour to do so, as my wife, Alyson, sat nearby performing spiritual practices. For the first time kundalini reached the highest psychic center, Brahma Chakra, though not in its entirety, rising through each center in turn, inducing trance, circumnavigating the mind, transcending thought and visualization processes, into the I Am. I had been on this journey once before in January when Ajna awakened in violet hues, but that was as far as I traveled then. I knew God as man, animal, mountain, even as a pebble, on this realm, on other realms, but all of them upon this Earth. It was a state of terrestrial enlightenment – oneness with all life on this planet – but it was not yet cosmic. And so I proceeded, and the following is an account of what transpired which I offer for your consideration. Deep breath followed by restraint. At first involuntarily – Kevala Kumbhaka – then deliberately. Breath – hold – meditate. Awareness of the chakras – a tensing of the sphincter muscles – effort, pressure, intensity, more effort, but not force. The solar plexus is activated, but this time, instead of detachment, allowance followed by effort to raise, purify, transmute. I notice greater bliss caused by the transmutation process or, as the yogis might have put it, “frying the seeds”. The heart center is activated, momentary bliss, onwards, upwards. The throat center is energized, and then I seek trance. Last time I resisted it, now I want it, but it is not easy to bring about – my negative karma acts as a resistor. Awed by the fact that Dr King could enter full samadhi in just a couple of minutes, I so much want to be absorbed in a trance of oneness, albeit to a far lesser degree. But I also want the mystic fire of kundalini to move even higher to the very crown. Wishful thinking unless that wish becomes a reality. The third eye – violet – strong – pulsing – but not my ultimate destination this time. Now, her tendrils reach even above the Christ center, to pierce Sahasrara – only to one degree but still to penetrate – a profusion of colors – the Golden Sun. Here that misused, hackneyed saying, silence is golden, actually becomes true – a release from terrestrial bondage into the vastness of the cosmos. I know why this is sometimes called the thousand-petalled lotus – because a thousand represents infinity. A sunbeam courses through space, across the oceans, through my being, traveling up the spine and into the crown center. I jerk, gulp and become still. I enter oneness with God – the I am within us all – and now I am one with life in the cosmos. First I am Mars. Then for longer I am Venus. I appreciate my inhabitants, who feed my Flame and strive to express my essence, energizing and being consumed in my Flame. They are being made ready; they are constantly preparing for this. As Saturn, I admire my inhabitants who want to do as their Lords, the Lords of the Sun, and become a part of me. And as the Sun I emit a sound which causes all life to evolve. The energy from Earth, Her Flame, is the same energy as that I emit but in a different phase. The energy I emit travels through every realm, is part of every realm, from the highest to the lowest and my sound reverberates beyond this solar system, raising and energizing. I momentarily know Mercury as a planet of change and Pluto as small but still grand. And then I am the Galaxy Itself with a body which seems to be of a jelly-like substance, holding all in place and yet tenuous enough for movement to take place within it. Numerous craft form a tapestry of transit on multiple frequencies – a complex weave of moving luminous threads with one single purpose. And there is only one purpose in only one word – evolution. It’s the reason we exist. Interplanetary travelers make their journeys because of it. Planets and suns know it. It’s why the galaxy is in manifestation. Evolution – evolution for all life. That’s why God involved Itself in matter because without involution there could be no evolution. What God wants is evolution. What the galaxy, the Sun and the planets want is evolution. One word – an often misunderstood word – from which all experience derives – the purpose of life. And then back down to Earth with a sadness borne of disappointment. Because here most people don’t live to evolve, they live to find happiness whatever their idea of happiness may be. And even if they think they have found it, it’s only transient unless it’s the happiness derived from evolution. Even bliss is not the goal, it is only an effect of the process – a wonderful sign that you are nearing your goal – but not the goal itself. And that must be where some gurus went wrong. They identified the process with the goal and got stuck along the way, misidentifying the blissful sensation with the oneness which is beyond all sensation or even mind. As a result, as Mars Sector 6 so brilliantly put it in the Sixth Freedom – the Power was still warm in those places. Just as food can bring pleasure though its purpose is nourishment, and as air brings vitality though its purpose is preservation, evolution brings a deep joy which is eternal but not permanent. And therein lies a paradox which can only be resolved by evolution itself. Yes, I know the answer now to the desperate question of my 14-year-old self, though I know it to only one degree of infinity. I also know that I owe even that degree to my master, Dr George King, for the sacred initiations he bestowed upon me and the opportunities he entrusted me with, which led me to this place. The path he left of world salvation can also be our key to God realization. In December 2020, Pentagon and intelligence agencies in the USA were given 180 days to report what they know about unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs), otherwise known as UFOs, in a bill signed into law by then President Donald Trump.
It was revealed last month that military and spy agencies are deliberately blocking or ignoring this effort in an attempt to delay its publication well beyond the June deadline. Luiz Elizondo, who led research on UFOs in the Pentagon until 2017 and serves as an informal advisor to the military, said in March 2021: “Organisations whose mission this might fall squarely into are resisting adopting this mission.” He described it as “passive resistance”, but some would see a more sinister hand behind these attempts to cover up the truth. Senator Marco Rubio, a former Republican presidential candidate, stated recently: “We have things flying over military installations, over military exercises and other places, and we don’t know what it is. It isn’t ours. It isn’t anything that’s registered to the FAA. And in many cases exhibits attributes of things we’ve never seen technologically, the kinds of technology we haven’t seen before.” Senator Rubio also cited a stigma associated with investigating UFOs in an open-minded way which, he said, “needs to go away”. John Ratcliffe, former Director of National Intelligence under Donald Trump, said last month that there are more UFO sightings by Navy and Air Force pilots than are publicly known and that many of them have no easy explanation. He described “movements that are hard to replicate, that we don’t have the technology for. Or travelling at speeds that exceed the sound barrier without a sonic boom.” All this comes after a spate of UFO revelations in recent months including:
I have campaigned for over 40 years for the truth about UFOs to be revealed without stigma or cover-up from any political, scientific or religious interest. In 1996 I was honoured to co-author Contacts With The Gods From Space with Dr George King, whom I believe to be the 20th century’s most important UFO contactee. In this book we revealed decades before these recent admissions by government sources, the vastly superior technological capabilities of extraterrestrial spacecraft. These included extremely high velocities caused by the ability to control gravitational fields, and the capacity to become invisible which has been witnessed numerous times since. We stated that extraterrestrial spacecraft use a force field which is intensified in direct relation to the velocity of the craft and which counteracts the effects of severe magnetic fluctuations. We specifically stated that this force field protects these craft from atmospheric friction, which could be the reason for there being no sonic boom when UFOs exceed the sound barrier, as revealed last month by former Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe. It now remains to be seen how much previously classified information will be placed in the public domain as and when the Pentagon and intelligence agencies in the USA finally make their report. Personally I’m not holding my breath for governments to take the next logical step which would be to seriously investigate UFO contacts. I would be the first to admit that not all of these are genuine. But as Executive Secretary of The Aetherius Society I can vouch for the information received by Dr King from extraterrestrial sources, which addresses many of the important questions to which governments and military sources have now openly stated that they don’t have answers. Whether governments take this logical step or not, it is to be hoped that open-minded members of the public will do so by visiting The Aetherius Society website at On January 29th, 1955, the Master Aetherius spoke through Dr George King in public for the first time. In fact, as far as I know this is the first time a cosmic transmission had ever been delivered through a medium to a public audience by a Cosmic Master in history, and occurred in the most unlikely of places.
Not in the Himalayas, not on Mount Shasta, not on Mount Fuji, the Andes or any other location regarded as holy or a particular site of pilgrimage. It took place in the British Isles, but even there, there were many sacred spots which could have been used for this historic event, just to name one, Avebury. No, it took place in a city called Westminster in London, a place of historical significance but not always for the right reasons. Yards away were what Dr King described as “the gasworks in England called the Houses of Parliament” or, in the words of the Master Aetherius “that ‘thing’ in Westminster”. Close by was Downing Street, the location of the residences of the British Prime Minister and the Chancellor of the Exchequer with all the administrative infrastructure of their offices. It was also close to the famous Westminster Abbey where kings and queens have been crowned since medieval days. Just down the road was the main Roman Catholic cathedral in Britain, Westminster Cathedral. In other words, it was a centre of political and traditional religious authority with all the machinations of worldly power that went with it. But political authority and man-made religious authority are limited, fallible, whatever the Pope may claim, whereas samadhi brings definite, unquestionable knowledge. A greater authority had entered the environment of Westminster City that day when the Master Aetherius, the Infallible One, spoke to the public for the first time. This was not the first time Dr King had received a cosmic transmission, a number had been delivered through him by the Master Aetherius to small, invited groups at a private residence. But he was instructed to, as it were, go public in front of the people of London and adopt this potentially dangerous trance condition at an open meeting. One thing that happened was that the entire group who had been willing to attend in private, left him when he did so. Clearly not one of them was a practitioner of the First Freedom, Bravery, which of course was yet to be delivered to Earth. Fear of controversy and ridicule, an unwillingness to stand up for what you believe despite reception, is one of the essential qualities of a spiritual aspirant in these days. So, Dr King walked into Caxton Hall in Westminster alone, took his place on the platform and history was made. In some ways, January 29th, 1955, was the start of what later became The Aetherius Society. I don’t know of any medium who has used a samadhic trance condition to receive any type of communication from this Earth or beyond in public. Nor do I know of any master capable of samadhi, and you would have to be a master to be capable of samadhi at will, who has used this elevated state for the purposes of mediumship. Those very, very, very few people in history on this physical plane who have been able to attain this state, and I do want to stress how rare this is because Dr King in his humility could make it seem so attainable, those very, very, very few did so as far as I can tell for the purposes of their own enlightenment to receive greater wisdom, oneness and bliss as they journeyed towards liberation from the wheel of rebirth. Not so Dr King, after all, he didn’t even have to be here. And, where he came from a terrestrial samadhic condition would not be the Holy Grail it is here on Earth, but a relatively lowly state of consciousness indeed. That’s something to think about is it not? In those early yoga years, if I can call them that when he practised eight hours a day, all he was doing was recapturing a tiny part of his true heritage. When he spoke about the trance condition he used to receive cosmic transmissions, he did so in an almost matter-of-fact way, as though we could understand the intricacies of this exalted state and the massive sacrifice he was making in using it for this purpose. One of the great advantages of using samadhic trance was and is the absolute authenticity it brings to the teachings he received. This is extremely rare not only in mediumship but generally among some of those who claim to be a genuine source of spiritual information. They make statements with great certainty as though the fact that they said it, makes it true. You see it in the new age movement, the mind body spirit movement, sometimes in relation to politics and even health. Dr King was very precise about why and how he was able to receive cosmic transmissions and what procedures he had to follow to do so. People might disbelieve him, but they cannot honestly deny that he has explained the authenticity of his source. I would go further and say that he has demonstrated it. Anyone giving important information should be able to do this and it’s very strange really that people will believe extraordinary statements made in certain cases without any proper explanation of where they came from or why that particular person was selected to reveal them. It is perfectly obvious why Dr George King was selected because, to the best of my knowledge, there was nobody else on Earth able to receive a cosmic transmission using samadhic trance especially in a public location like the Caxton Hall in Westminster. On this first public occasion he did so in extremely unconducive conditions, both in terms of the very basic vibrations in Westminster, London, and because of the dangers to him personally if anything went wrong. And please remember that he was completely alone. He was demonstrating a teaching which would be delivered later by Mars Sector 6 in the Third Freedom of Service in the following words: I would inform those sadhus, who, in total disregard of human needs, retreat into the wilderness, I would say: ‘Come you hence, for you are fools!’ In the book, Dr King replaced the word ‘sadhu’ with the word ‘aspirant’, possibly because he thought that it wouldn’t be understood very well in the West. A true sadhu, by the way, such as Jetsun Milarepa who lived in Tibet thousand years ago, just to name one, was a person of tremendous discipline who was willing to put his life on the line in pursuit of enlightenment. From his life story it seems that Milarepa was well aware that by attaining enlightenment he would be helping the world as a whole, in which case he did not act in total disregard of human needs, having said that it would not be possible in this day and age to attain enlightenment through that path because service is now an absolute requirement. But there were and are sadhus, sannyasins, mystics who have been wise up to a certain point in rejecting the materialistic life for a spiritual one. And when, strangely unspiritual in their selfishness, and I can’t really think of another word for it, in fact, anyone who has a total disregard of human needs is more of a ‘saddo’ than a sadhu, if you don’t mind me saying. But it’s one thing to reject the fruits of self-development when your fruit bowl is almost empty, you’re not really rejecting much at all, perhaps just a few berries. Dr King’s bowl was full to overflowing and he gave all the fruit away by using this deepest of meditative states, not for his own enlightenment or development, but in service. He didn’t pick even a location like the West Country of England which he knew very well, or perhaps the Lake District visited by so many poets, artists in previous times, but in the basic, materialistic, political, orthodox environment of the City of Westminster in London, as he was instructed. And in doing so he demonstrated this great New Age teaching of putting service first in a way that none of us could possibly match, because let’s face it, we are not able to induce samadhic trance at will, never mind receive a cosmic transmission in Westminster or anywhere else. But it is a pattern for us to follow, live up to as much as we can and, aspire towards. It’s a pattern he manifested in numerous ways throughout his mission to Earth. It is also and this is surely the hallmark of the strategist he was and is – a gigantic karmic manipulation. I believe that the very fact that he could attain samadhic trance and use it in that way while inhabiting an ordinary Earth body on this basic realm, in a very basic location was an enabler. A karmic enabler. It allowed intervention by the Cosmic Masters which otherwise might not have been possible. In his yoga years it seems that he did not know what it was all leading to, but he did know that he had to do it. And he achieved his goal to a truly remarkable degree even when compared to the illustrious example of other Avatars and in far more challenging conditions than some of them. Everything he did was a karmic manipulation and that, I believe, includes his use of samadhic trance to receive cosmic transmissions. They could have been received telepathically rather as certain Theosophical teachings were, but he went much further and, I would have to say, also, even higher than they. In fact, The Nine Freedoms, just to name one, is the greatest series of teachings ever delivered to Earth at any time, including the greatest gems in the treasure troves of ancient wisdom. And this too was made possible by Dr King adopting samadhic trance, thereby elevating his consciousness into a state of rapport with one or more Cosmic Masters and thereby guaranteeing accuracy in the words and, very importantly, the vocal characteristics of his communicators. Samadhi in Westminster was a fact, but it could also be seen as a metaphor for the extraordinary mission which preceded from that day in January 1955 through all the missions, all the actions, all the teachings he gave to our Earth and, may I stress, is still giving to this Earth through the legacy he left, which enshrines his presence upon our world into the future. Darren Ball (DB): I was 23 when I first discovered The Aetherius Society in 2009. Before that time I had no conception of the link between extraterrestrials and spirituality. In fact, I hadn’t thought very much about extraterrestrials at all until then.
However, I was searching for spiritual truth. And strange as it seemed to me, I could not deny the extraordinary and profound spiritual teaching I found in Master of Yoga Dr. George King, and the extraterrestrials Dr. King was in contact with, from 1954 until his passing in 1997. I was privileged to interview someone described recently by a leading UK radio station as the “Guru of UFOs.” Though not willing to accept such a title, which he says belongs only to Dr. King, he has been, nevertheless, a major figure in the campaign for truth that Dr. King helped so tirelessly to pioneer and promote throughout his own life. Richard Lawrence is an international bestselling author of 11 books, including the recently released new edition of UFOs and the Extraterrestrial Message (CICO Books). He is also a leading Disciple of Dr. King, and Executive Secretary of The Aetherius Society for Europe – a position he has held for over 40 years. I wanted to talk to Richard for the same reason that he wrote his book, i.e. to help spread the truth about enlightened extraterrestrials visiting Earth, so that spiritually-minded people everywhere might be inspired to listen, learn and act! And if we did act, what kind of world might we be able to create? In the last few months there has been a flurry of activity and interest again in UFOs and extraterrestrials. Britain’s first astronaut Dr. Helen Sharman made waves when she suggested in January that invisible aliens may be among us. The US Government confirmed that alleged US Navy footage of UFOs was in fact genuine. And the British Government revealed that they would be releasing their previously classified UFO files collected between the early 1950s (when, incidentally, Dr. King began campaigning) and 2009. Richard, you’ve been campaigning for governments to tell the truth about UFOs for over forty years. Now we’re in this moment where they claim to be doing that. Do you feel vindicated at all? Richard Lawrence (RL): Well, there was a Transmission – a communication made through Dr. King – that says: “It must be—and indeed is obvious—to all Governments upon Terra, that Flying Saucers are real, are physical, are friendly, are extraterrestrial. They cannot TRUTHFULLY deny this.” – ‘Demand the Truth,’ Mars Sector 6, from Cosmic Voice Vol 4, Issue 16 I, together with the late Ray Nielsen and others, launched a campaign around that Transmission in 1979, which included a petition that we actually delivered to 10 Downing Street in London, England, with thousands of signatures calling for the release of the truth. And in fact, some truth did come out, because a Minister in the House of Lords admitted for the first time that they had UFO records on file. But the big thing is that right through the forty years you’re talking about, there have been denials. Things have leaked out, but they have rarely been authenticated by governments. Now, what’s changed – and this is progress – I don’t think it’s total vindication – is that now the position of the government in Britain is basically: yes, we have UFO sightings on file, and we’re going to release some of them – they haven’t said “all of them.” The American Government has confirmed the US Navy videos are genuine. They’ve described them as unidentified. They’ve now changed the term Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO) to Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP), which is just a ploy, I would say – a rebranding – to probably try and make people take less notice of it. But anyway, let’s be positive. They have done this. Even the President of America has been interviewed on it, according to, I believe, Reuters, and has said that he thinks it’s “a hell of a video.” And, he wondered out loud whether it was real, which either means he doesn’t know or that he’s not being completely candid. And my guess is that he doesn’t know whether it’s real. So that is a sort of staging post, if you like, in the UFO story. But we haven’t yet got to the finishing post where governments have said they’re real, they’re friendly and they’re extraterrestrial. DB: What do you think of the timing of the release of this information? RL: There’s an old saying in politics: you need a good time to bury bad news. By which I mean that a time when everyone’s mind is on something else is the best time to bring out a piece of bad news. This isn’t exactly bad news, but it’s embarrassing for them, because it wasn’t so long ago that the Pentagon was basically saying that they did lie about UFOs, but only because they are American secret aircraft. Well, now they’re not saying that. In fact, it’s come out thanks to a man called Luis Elizondo, who was a Pentagon official working from 2007 to 2012 in the Department of Defence in America on a program to investigate UFOs. He said that there is nothing in the American inventory or any other inventory on Earth that could duplicate the manoeuvrability and the flight abilities of these craft. It’s embarrassing for them because It shows that they have covered up the truth. Therefore, it’s a good time to reveal this during the coronavirus crisis. It’s very cynical. I can’t say I know it for a fact, but it looks to me as though they picked this time. The footage has been around for many years, one of them was taken in 2004 and the other in 2015. Suddenly, at the height of the coronavirus crisis in America, they release this. So, yes, I think that was deliberate. DB: In fact, it was only today that these stories were covered online in two of the biggest national selling newspapers in the UK – The Sun and The Daily Mail. How does this relate to the timing of the new edition of your book, which is also out today in the UK? RL: Well that’s extremely interesting because I didn’t know until Saturday – just a couple of days ago – that this book was being launched on May 5th in the UK and in June in the USA. This is a new edition by a publisher – not The Aetherius Society – but a publisher called CICO Books with a new foreword, which incidentally mentions the US Navy videos. And it comes out at a time of apparent abnegation of responsibility by governments – not just Britain and America. The Japanese Minister of Defence came out last week as well and said that he’s going to look at a response that their forces could make, should they have a UFO encounter. In the midst of this comes out a new edition of UFOs and the Extraterrestrial Message, with a chapter on “Primary Terrestrial Mental Channel.” There is also a chapter on “The Extraterrestrial Message” containing Transmissions, selected by Brian Keneipp, Executive Secretary of The Aetherius Society in America. These answer many of the questions people are asking. DB: Can you talk more about why you would say The Aetherius Society is the best place to come for these answers? RL: Well, the best place you can go to get the answers about UFOs are from the Beings who man them. How do you do that? You investigate people who claim to have been contacted by those Beings. You need to discriminate very carefully, as Dr. King recommended, because there are fakes and deluded cases out there. In doing so, you look for the most substantial, genuine cases – the longest record, the broadest and deepest knowledge and the most effective programme of cooperation with extraterrestrials. I do not know of any organization or claimant that compares with Dr. George King and The Aetherius Society. So I think you come right to The Aetherius Society if you want to know these answers. DB: So you started to talk about some of the history there. I thought we could go back into the history of The Aetherius Society, particularly to the 1950s when Dr. King was first campaigning for the truth about UFOs and extraterrestrials. Can you tell me more about that period? RL: I’ve campaigned on this for 40 years, but that’s nothing compared to what Dr. King did. When I started there was scepticism – more than scepticism, attacks. I remember giving lectures and getting heckled by some people in the audience just for saying that there was a government cover-up. It probably sounds strange to you, Darren, to think that, you know, the idea of governments covering things up and lying was regarded as a bit nutty then, when now everybody knows it. But imagine then going back 25 years earlier than me. My goodness, you’d be savaged by the media; mercilessly ridiculed. But that didn’t stop Dr. King at all. He was fearless in that respect. He launched a rally in Trafalgar Square in central London in 1958 to demand the truth from governments about flying saucers. That in itself was highly controversial because governments in America and Britain at that time were denying that they had any hidden files, completely mocking it, and they had a policy of debunking the whole topic. In the book, there’s an extract from a Transmission that was delivered on September 15th, 1956, by Mars Sector 6, called ‘The Conspiracy’ which explains how the so-called silence group worked. It also gives the solution, which is spiritual power. DB: Could you talk a little bit more about anything that distinguished Dr. King as an early contactee? RL: One of the things that was remarkable about his contacts in that period is that right from the beginning Dr. King linked UFOs to spirituality. In a very early Transmission on October 26th, 1954, an extract from which is published in UFOs and the Extraterrestrial Message, the Master Aetherius made it absolutely clear that they were Spiritual Beings. That they live and they exist, as he put it, in subtle states and they only use coarser bodies when necessary. He said: “It is not possible for me to give English names, for the constituents of the molecules of the subtle bodies, because you have no words to describe them. So tenuous are these bodies, that it would be like giving a name to the molecules of your Soul, as it were.” Of course, in those days scientists had not discovered what they have since about invisible matter and a multidimensional universe. One thing that marked Dr. King out from the very beginning, was the linking of UFOs with spirituality, metaphysics and, if you like, religion. In the first Transmission Dr. King received in public on January 29th, 1955, extracts from which are published in the book, the Master Aetherius said: “Our belief in an Absolute Architect, an Absolute Creator, thinking into being certain laws which are immutable, these are the things we study first; secondly we apply these laws to our political system and our educational system. We do not try to get the laws to fit in with our preconceived ideas of what things should be, we make our systems fit the law. When you do that, you will become luminous in the heavens, you will immediately go one step further upwards, you will immediately be showered by Flying Saucers and Mother Ships, call them what you like, who will come from planets to walk your Earth.” ----------------------------------- If you’d like to discover more about UFOs and Spirituality: Upcoming Interviews with Richard Lawrence
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Book - Available from Amazon UFOs and the extraterrestrial message – a spiritual insight into UFOs and cosmic transmissions by international bestselling author, Richard Lawrence “Why don’t you sit down and have a drink with me?”
“I’d love to, Master”, I replied as I poured myself a drink and sat next to him. “Yes, but why do I have to ask?” He choked slightly. “Then I am completely alone”. The starkness of this remark resonated within me. There was I, staying with him at his residence in Santa Barbara, and he had to invite me to join him. What he wanted from me in that instance was not polite respectfulness, with the distance that can bring, but the warmth of friendship and love. The three-stage journey of the disciple For me, the disciple’s journey falls into three stages. 1) First you have to find your Master and learn how to follow him. 2) As you progress to the next stage, you begin to move beyond just following and you really start to love him. 3) And then comes the most important stage of all, when you assist him in his mission – and, if you are fortunate enough to be in a position to do so, help him personally too. An unpredictable Master We all got it wrong sometimes and, with a Master as enigmatic as Dr King, it was a mug’s game predicting exactly how he would react at any given moment. Conversations could turn on a dime from hilarious repartee to strict admonishments and much between. The default position was to eagerly listen and occasionally interject as he spoke with his trademark authority and knowledge on a range of topics from the cosmic to the commonplace to the comical. But that could change when he would become the most attentive of listeners; or when he wished to be regaled with a choice selection of anecdotes and assorted yarns – not always for the first time! An attentive listener “Give me some of your great logic, boy,” he exhorted teasingly as we sat together in the dining room at Aetherius House in London after lunch one day. As instructed, I held forth for what must have been at least ten minutes about goodness knows what, until it was clearly enough. I will never know what the purpose of that conversation was, except that it was certainly not for the benefit of his education! On another occasion at a hotel in Carlisle, he came into the bedroom which I was sharing with John Holder, after dinner one evening. He sat down on a simple wooden chair and asked me to tell him how things were going in The Aetherius Society in Nigeria, something in which he always had a very deep interest. I gave what amounted to an uninterrupted dissertation for a considerable time as he registered expressions of interest and approval. When he seemed satisfied he said ‘goodnight’ to us both and retired to his room. Once again, I never knew exactly why he picked that time to ask for such a report – especially since we were on our way to Scotland the following morning for a very important Cosmic Mission – but that was the nature of the man and Master who was a habitué of the unexpected. An unexpected initiation Dr King in The Aetherius Temple in Los Angeles prior to a blessing ceremony. Such was the occasion he chose to initiate his dear wife, Monique, and myself into an ancient mantra of great power. We had not prepared ourselves with fasting and japa, nor had we contemplated silently in the Temple for several hours beforehand. We had, in fact, been watching a film on television with him in his sitting room in Los Angeles. Afterwards he turned the television off and without warning or apparent preparation proceeded to impart the sacred Sanskrit words to us. There was no grand pronouncement nor a requirement for us to kneel in his presence, but as he spoke, I could not help but notice a tear rolling down the side of his cheek. Terrible aloneness Dr King sits alone pensively. The loneliness he must have experienced can only be guessed at. The Master Jesus spoke with devastating poignancy in ‘The Twelve Blessings’ about the Planetary Ones living upon Earth: “who, day by day, suffer the unspeakable hell of terrible aloneness, in order to give you their hearts.” And the Venusian Master of love would really know – from first-hand experience. An alien psychology Dr King delivers an address in Los Angeles. The evolutionary chasm between Dr King and even his closest friends and disciples was unquantifiable, and yet it fell to some of us to at least try to bridge it and thereby lessen the sense of isolation he must have felt living as a god among humans. His searing words in the brilliant address ‘The Men who won Operation Karmalight for you’ delivered on February 24th, 1978, illustrate how alien his psychological make-up was and he knew it. Talking about how the Three Adepts behaved after this great victorious battle in the lower astral realms of Earth, sometimes called “the hells”, he said: They knew when they came back home from the wars that it was finished, as far as you were concerned, but not as far as they are [sic] concerned, and they still retained this balance. I, myself, in my own little way, have said more than once… ‘when this is all over, that’s it for me you can forget The Aetherius Society, you’ll never see sight of me, I’m just going to go out and have a good time’. That was one of the biggest lies I have ever told. I didn’t do it and, ladies and gentlemen, let me be honest with you, I’ve looked at myself in the mirror and I have condemned myself for not doing it. I said, ‘what the hell is the matter with you, King? Why don’t you go and kick over the traces?’ I must be as alien as those other people [the Adepts]… As the medium who received the Transmissions throughout the sixteen months of Operation Karmalight he was on stand-by for 24 hours a day. He had tried to think as an ordinary human being would about what he would do afterwards, but his psychology was completely different. He carried on, just as he always had done, in his mission for the world as a whole, which included running The Aetherius Society. He blamed himself for not being more like us, but the truth is that we should be more like him – it is for us to move in his direction. Just for a moment Dr King at his desk in Santa Barbara where he sometimes received mental transmissions. On another occasion in Santa Barbara, he had just performed the unimaginable feat of receiving a Mental Transmission from the greatest Masters resident in our world, the Protectors of the Ineffable Flame of the Logos of Terra. He walked slowly down the corridor from his office and sat in his armchair, fatigued and seemingly deflated at having to “return” from such elevated company. This time I did not leave him alone but sat down next to him. There was silence as I wondered whether or not I should “break the ice”. After about a minute, I made a statement that can only be described as preposterous – not in terms of its validity but because it came from so unqualified a source as myself. “It is rare”, I proffered, “in the annals of occult history for such intelligences as these to use this method of communication with anyone in a terrestrial body”. I knew how ridiculous it was for me to opine on such a matter to a master as advanced as he – it was not as if he needed my untutored speculation. But he looked up and glanced in my direction. And then he nodded in agreement and started to talk about it. It was as though he felt just for a moment that he was not alone – and that, for me, was all that mattered. If you have any questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to contact us. And if you have enjoyed this post – please share it on social media! “Did you want something?” The words were said with a gentle kindness, but what took me by surprise was the person who had spoken them.
“Oh, I’m sorry to disturb you, sir. I was just wondering whether there was anything I could do to help?” “Come over here.” Dr King motioned to me to look into the shop window at Aetherius House in London where the covers of his books were fading in the sunlight. “Can you make model books for me so that the real ones won’t be damaged?” “Yes, I can.” At that point I had no idea how to make a model book, but I was surely going to find out. “Good – then do that for me would you?” “Yes, sir.” Dr King walked upstairs to his office with two assistants, leaving me standing in the shop transfixed – this was my first direct assignment from the Master I had chosen to follow a year before. At the age of 19, I was on a summer break from my university and had decided to spend as much of it as possible working at the European Headquarters of The Aetherius Society. What I didn’t know when I walked through the shop door, was that Dr King had just arrived in London from Los Angeles where he lived, for a speaking tour. After university I moved to London and became a schoolteacher until, at the age of 24, he employed me to work full-time. From then on I worked with him at an executive level, helping to run the organization he had founded internationally; co-authored his last two books; travelled with him in Europe and the USA on trips for both work and relaxation; and looked after some of his personal affairs. I am honoured to say that we became great friends, but I was always his disciple – as I still am today. I discovered that he was everything he claimed to be and more. He was, I believe, of the same company as Sri Krishna, Moses, the Lord Buddha, the Master Jesus and the holy Master of Earth known as the Lord Babaji. I regard him as one of the greatest avatars ever to have walked our Earth. This year we celebrate the centenary of his birth – on January 23rd, 1919, in the small village of Donnington Wood, near Wellington, Shropshire in England. His family later moved to Yorkshire where he spent most of his childhood. His spirituality was clear from the start, showing pronounced abilities in healing, prayer and the perception of truth. He became a conscientious objector in the Second World War, despite being highly skilled in martial sports such as boxing, fencing and shooting. Instead he was a section leader in the fire services during the devastating and extremely dangerous London Blitz. His psychic faculties were put to good use identifying where bodies would be found beneath the rubble of fallen buildings after bombing raids. It was after the war that he made a seminal and, for those days, very unusual decision. He turned to the study, and especially the practice, of yoga including its most advanced forms such as Kundalini, Raja and Gnani. When he practised yoga, he did so with total commitment – for eight hours per day for ten years. To enable this, he worked for a living in a variety of jobs including driving. Anyone who applied themselves with such intensity to correct yoga practice would reap rich results. Because of who he was, these were all the more forthcoming. He started to realize some of his boundless inner potential, demonstrating such phenomena as clairvoyance, telepathy, astral projection, mediumship, invisibility, miraculous healing and even levitation. However, his goal was not the pursuit of these powers, but to gain enlightenment through the rarely attained meditative condition known in the east as samadhi. By the age of 35, he had achieved this elevated state in which he knew and understood the nature of his and all existence. It was then that he was contacted by the Gods from space. “Prepare yourself, you are to become the Voice of Interplanetary Parliament!” was the audible command he received from the cosmic intelligence known as the Master Aetherius. He was now ready to commence the mission for which he had come to Earth. It will come as no surprise to learn that Dr King was ridiculed for his claims. This would still happen today, but nothing compared to the climate of social conformity which characterized 1950s Britain. His personality contained the rare combination of being both shy and fearless. It did not suit him to be in the controversial position he had been called to, but he accepted it unhesitatingly, appearing in the press, radio, television and at numerous public events. His hallmark was to unequivocally declare the truth he had experienced as far and wide as possible. He acted as Primary Terrestrial Mental Channel, the main medium and point of contact for extraterrestrial intelligences upon Earth, from May 8th, 1954, to July 12th, 1997, the day of his passing. In that period, he received literally thousands of communications (transmissions) from the Cosmic Masters, mainly from this Solar System, but also from beyond it. These included some of the greatest teachings that have ever been delivered to Earth; and world-saving missions to be performed during and after his lifetime. One thing he did not disclose fully and openly was his true identity. Just as some of the great avatars before him, he came from another world. He knew this, as did those close to him, and it was referred to in a number of transmissions, but he preferred to keep as low a profile as he could and was reluctant to promote himself unless he had to. In February 1997, I was at the American Headquarters in Los Angeles when I received a call from Dr King who, now in poor health, resided at his small bungalow in Santa Barbara 100 miles away. “Can you come and see me for about ten minutes?” It was early one Saturday morning and I was due to run a ceremony in the Society’s Temple in LA that afternoon. Soon after that I was scheduled to catch a plane back to London. “Of course, I can, Master,” I replied willingly. After a drive in my hire-car of about two hours, I walked into his sitting-room to find him waiting in his armchair. “Kneel before me.” This was an extremely unusual thing for him to say. Normally, he did not like overt deference from those around him unless it was at a formal ceremony of one kind or another. He had even reprimanded me on one occasion when I knelt at his bedside to give him healing, and insisted that I adopt another less reverential posture. “I am going to initiate you into a secret yoga practice.” I eagerly knelt before him as he did so, and then sat beside him for a few minutes afterwards as he explained its purpose to me. I thanked him profusely, we hugged, and he sent me on my way so that I would arrive in time for the ceremony. That was the last time I would be in his physical presence, and I am sure he must have known it. His first words to me, when I was 19, had been to give me a task to perform. On this last occasion, he gave me a wonderful initiation. In the vast expanse of the teachings and missions he left our world, there are numerous tasks to perform. Some of these are unique in their elevation; others are more lowly but still essential. There are also practices to learn and initiations to receive, some of which have never been given before, to empower our journey towards enlightenment. Today we call this path, which anyone can take, King Yoga. Its rewards are immeasurable as you will undoubtedly discover if you do so. And one thing I would add: you do not have to have met Dr King physically to learn from him, follow him and one day, should you choose, to become his disciple too. If you have any questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to contact us. And if you have enjoyed this post – please share it on social media! “My God, Mary, this child is not of this Earth!” These were the words spoken at the birth of George King on January 23rd, 1919, by his maternal grandmother to his mother. Was this just the emotional reaction of an overjoyed grandmother? Or was it a highly perceptive remark from a straight-talking woman from North Yorkshire, who was known locally for her intuition and psychic insights?
In this secular age the notion of gods is the stuff of myth and legend and not for serious people. Atheism has taken root in much of western civilisation, though it seems extraordinary that anybody could think they know that God does not exist. Even in ufology, some of us have encountered a closed-minded resistance to the spiritual approach in the past, but thankfully that has changed considerably. Those who are open to the existence of divine beings, generally find it much easier to accept such things if they happened in the distant past – not today. A Hindu can readily accept Sri Krishna as an avatar (divine incarnation) whose birth was brought about by the god Vishnu. The conception of the Lord Buddha by his mother, Queen Maya, is recorded by some as miraculous. The birth of the great eighth century Sage, Sri Shankaracharya, is said to have been arranged by the god Shiva. And in nineteenth century India the holy saint Sri Ramakrishna’s birth was accompanied by supernatural incidents and visions including a dream in which Vishnu appeared to his father to reveal that he would be born as his son. The Bible tells of an angel of the Lord appearing to the childless Danites to prepare her for the birth of Samson; and the story surrounding Moses’ adoption by the Pharoah’s daughter suggests divine destiny at work. According to the legends of ancient Greece, Heracles was the progeny of a liaison between the god Zeus and a mortal woman, Alcmene. Despite the centuries of mythologising, which gave human attributes and weaknesses to their gods, was Heracles an example of a time when the Greeks believed in divine incarnations and possibly virgin births? One virgin birth which has been accepted by millions of people for centuries is that of the divine incarnation known as Jesus Christ. His birth was also accompanied by one of the most outstanding UFO reports on record. One thing the so-called Star of Bethlehem could not have been was a star, if we are to believe the Gospel of Saint Mathew’s account that it “came and stood over where the young child was”. Dr George King gave a new clarity to the age-old belief in divine incarnations by introducing the concept of cosmic avatars. It was revealed to him by the gods from space that these were in fact interplanetary beings who had agreed to be born upon Earth in order to perform specific missions. They were not God itself, which cannot be individualised, but extraterrestrials who had accepted the limitation of terrestrial birth in order to give outstanding service to humanity. Those familiar with the history of ufology might be surprised that such incarnations should be necessary. There are accounts from many cultures of visits to our world by interplanetary travellers who were often regarded as gods. Why should such beings as these need to be born through the wombs of Earth women when they could easily travel to this planet openly in space vehicles? Some of the ancient Vedic texts, for example, express clearly the powers of gods like Rama who travelled in their vimanas (the Sanskrit word for celestial spacecraft). And in the Bible a ‘chariot of fire’ and a ‘wheel within a wheel’ perform spectacular manoeuvres for the prophets Elijah and Ezekiel. The only conclusion that a logical UFO believer can draw is that beings from other worlds are either not able, or are not willing, to intervene in the affairs of humanity beyond a certain point. A line has been drawn either by them or some overriding authority which prevents them going further than selected contacts through the ages and a limited plan of intervention. If it were otherwise they could easily, with their superior technology, have taken control of this planet many centuries ago. The Cosmic Masters, who were in communication with Dr King between May 8th, 1954 and his passing on July 12th, 1997, explained this principle by using one very simple and ancient Hindu word, karma. This is the Divine Law which determines that you cannot get anything for nothing. In the New Testament it is best expressed in the words “whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap”. In modern parlance it might be “what goes around comes around”. It means that interplanetary travellers, who abide by cosmic law, are not permitted to interfere with the freewill of the human race, because to do so would be to rob us of the most valuable thing of all – experience. They can help us in certain ways, but even that is relative to the efforts made and the response received from humanity. For example, if governments had not covered up the truth about UFOs for so long, extraterrestrial beings and the spacecraft they use would in turn have been able to be far more open about their presence in our skies. Had humanity as a whole listened to the genuine UFO contactees and taken the messages they received seriously, this would have allowed much greater positive intervention by those who had made such contacts. In this karmic scenario the only way the gods from space could intervene more directly in human affairs was to endure the horrendous process, from their point of view, of being born upon Earth. In doing so they took karma upon themselves, and this enabled Sri Krishna, the Lord Buddha, the Lord Moses, the Master Jesus and others to carry out their missions of salvation upon this world. This may sound like a strange idea, but it is surely more credible than the traditional beliefs connected with divine incarnations. For example, to say that the one and only son of God was born as recently as 2,000 years ago, and lived for 33 years in a specific part of the world, and then to extrapolate through centuries of theology that he was an integral part of the divine trinity, is a far more extreme claim. It is only familiarity with an idea, which has been repeated for hundreds of years, that may make it seem otherwise. The concept of cosmic avatars is a unifying belief. It breaks down religious barriers by removing any exclusivity for their divine origins. Different interplanetary masters have come at different times for different reasons, but they are all part of the same plan for our world. Some cosmic avatars receive world-renown, others come for less public reasons, but they always bring positive change. Although they are not limited to gender, as we are on this Earth, they have often chosen to come in masculine form because of the tasks they needed to accomplish on a planet ruled by men. But whether male or female, famous or not, they all have one remarkable distinguishing characteristic: a complete 24 hours a day commitment, without distraction or deviation, to the mission they have come here to perform. As a close friend, colleague and disciple of Dr George King, who spoke to him pretty well every day for the last 20 years of his life, I can vouch for the fact that he bore this characteristic to a degree that would be alien to most of us. He was on call to be contacted by the Cosmic Masters at any time of the day or night for over 43 years. This did not mean just being physically available, but being mentally capable of receiving the communications they wished to transmit, which were known as transmissions. He had trained for his role as Primary Terrestrial Mental Channel, as they termed him, with an intensity which, as far as I know, is unprecedented in the west, by practising advanced yoga techniques for an average of eight hours a day for ten years. This commenced, just after the Second World War, when he was in his mid 20s, an age when most people would be engaged in very different pursuits. He was, after all, a highly intelligent and very practical person and could easily have achieved worldly success had he chosen to do so. During this training phase he did whatever jobs were necessary to pay his way, including driving, but his entire focus was upon spiritual development – though he did not know then the full reasons why. How many UFO contactees can say that? How many Earth people at any time can say that? In these ten years he was having exceptional experiences including astral projection, levitation, dematerialisation, miraculous healings and mediumistic demonstrations. Unlike others in the paranormal and spiritualistic community of that period, he was determined, helped by his yoga discipline, to have a complete control over and a clear understanding of these phenomena. At no time was he diverted from his chosen path. When he was contacted by an interplanetary master named Aetherius on May 8th, 1954, his whole life took a different trajectory. None of his friends, who were also engaged in psychic and healing work, were qualified to help him with the new direction his life needed to take, nor were they willing to make the changes necessary to travel with him. He, on the other hand, like St. Paul on the road to Damascus, was ready to change course whatever the cost. He made an other-worldly response to an other-worldly summons, and changed his life completely. I consider myself very fortunate to be one of those who was close to a master and UFO contactee of this calibre, though I must admit that it was not always easy. The total focus and demanding regime he expected of himself also translated to those around him, and I must admit that there were too many times when we were found lacking. Even those who are most committed to service in our world of one kind or another take time off, but he did not and, for the most part, nor did we. Day in day out he applied himself to the task he had been given by intelligences from millions of miles away. He could move from the most sublime cosmic transmission received through his advanced mediumistic abilities to the most basic material project with hardly a break. One moment he could be conversing with the gods from space and the next with an all-too-mortal companion such as myself. On one occasion I was with him in a motel room in Arizona in 1986, when he received a mental contact with an intelligence from Mars just before the nuclear accident in Chernobyl in the former Soviet Union. He was told to prepare for a catastrophe which was shortly due and to cooperate with extraterrestrial beings in a series of operations lasting several days to send spiritual energy to the world to help in this situation. These operations did not stop the accident – that would have been a degree of divine intervention which would have contravened the karmic law. But many had reported that it could and should have been far more catastrophic than it was. Some have described it as miraculous that it was not. We later found out that these operations commenced four hours and twenty-three minutes before the accident. The Aetherius Society put on record that year, in our journal Cosmic Voice, that the impact of Chernobyl had been reduced by the intervention of extraterrestrial spacecraft. Sixteen years later in 2002, the Russian journal “Pravda” published a report confirming that hundreds of people had seen a UFO hovering above the nuclear plant while the accident took place. It concluded that this UFO had brought the radiation level down by almost four times, which prevented a devastating nuclear blast. Less dramatically for the world, but unforgettable to me, was an incident in the 1990s when I was with Dr. King in the sitting room of his modest bungalow in Santa Barbara. He entered telepathic rapport with a cosmic master and, despite his frail health at the time, was intense and energised by this contact. He relayed his responses during this two-way communication out loud. To my surprise he introduced me to the communicator. As soon as he did I felt a beautiful, tangible burst of energy, which was much too definite and physical in its effect to be imaginary. It was a wonderful feeling as though I was being greeted by the intelligence concerned. Some of the transmissions received by Dr King brought him elation and enlightenment. A series of teachings known as The Nine Freedoms, for example, which was delivered in Los Angeles in 1961, was a source of revelation to him which inspired some of the greatest metaphysical lectures he ever delivered. But others were far more difficult for him. They brought tremendous pressure into his life by the demands they placed upon him. He was required to climb 18 mountains around the world, some in extremely arduous conditions. He had to skipper a small vessel in turbulent seas off the California coast, in order to fulfil another cosmic instruction. His rigorous mission was expensive in terms of money, time and physical health, and he certainly paid the price for his life’s work. But he did so unconditionally – to an extent which is simply foreign to the human psyche. All the while he was assailed by rejection, disbelief and personal attacks from the orthodox establishment and its media. It was all too easy for them, without investigation, to dismiss him as a cult leader with all the baggage attached to that label. On the contrary, he was an example of all that he taught. He was not wealthy and rarely spent money on himself. He was married to one of his closest disciples, Monique, but lived a life of celibacy for spiritual reasons. He set himself a stricter work regime than anyone who worked for him. In short he was a true example of all that he taught. In the summer of 1995 I was staying with Dr King in Santa Barbara when one day, out of the blue, he turned to me and said: “you seem very prolific – why don’t you write a book with me?” I had written two books, one of which, Unlock Your Psychic Powers, had been declared by its publisher to be an international bestseller. But that amounted to nothing, either in quality or quantity, when compared to the body of works published by Dr King which, I believe, will go down in history as classics of new age metaphysics. The thought, never mind the privilege, of co-authoring a book with Dr King had never occurred to me until he spoke those words and from this brief conversation was born Contacts With The Gods From Space. This turned out to be the last book by Dr King published in his lifetime and a Second Edition of it has been published this year. When writing the Afterword to this new edition, I realised that the book could have been given the different title of “Contacts With A God From Space”. For, far out as it may seem, that is what he was. Of course he would never have accepted such a title. He much preferred to stay focused upon the Cosmic Masters who communicated through him rather than himself. For example, in a television interview in the 1970s in England, he made the following statements when questioned about his cosmic contacts. “To condemn is easy; to investigate is much more difficult, but much more profitable…these messages were given, we do have them down on tape, they have been published. Well, from the philosophical content alone, they are pretty fantastic – so they did come from somewhere. Either they came from my mind or they came from another source. If they came from another source, they’re excellent. If they came from my puny little mind, then I’m quite a person.” There is of course another possibility which Dr King did not offer in that interview – that both are true. It took quite a person to act as Primary Terrestrial Mental Channel and it took quite a person to live as a god in human form – and that must be one of the understatements of all time. Yes, I have to agree with his grandmother – he was not of this Earth. |
AuthorRichard Lawrence Archives
September 2023
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