Discover the wisdom from outer space – realise the potential of inner space – make Aetherius Radio Live your cosmic connection!
Co-hosted by international broadcasters and authors, Richard Lawrence and Chrissie Blaze. Third Tuesday of every month at 1pm Eastern Time / 10am Pacific Time / 6pm UK Time. “It makes me determined to be better in all ways as I listen to your inspirational programmes. You are revealing truths in a wonderful way, and are inclusive to all.” – Quote from a listener |
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Every third Tuesday of the month at 6pm UK Time | 1pm Eastern Time | 10am Pacific Time via |
17th December 2024
CHAKRAS – THE SECOND MOST VALUABLE THING IN ALL OF EXISTENCE – PART 2 This remarkable statement by Master of Yoga Dr George King extends beyond human existence to the cosmos as a whole. Richard and Chrissie will continue to explore the importance of chakras including: their relation to the elements, how they can get blocked and what we… More >> |
20th November 2024
THE VOICE OF THE KING - PART 2 OF 2 A rare divine intervention took place in 1919, a cosmic avatar with highly specialized skills, named George King, came to Earth to help humanity through a critical period in human history. He literally saved us from many global catastrophes! Using his unique mediumship, Dr King… More >> |
16th October 2024
THE VOICE OF THE KING - PART 1 OF 2 A rare divine intervention took place in 1919, a cosmic avatar with highly specialized skills, named George King, came to Earth to help humanity through a critical period in human history. He literally saved us from many global catastrophes! Using his unique mediumship, Dr King… More >> |
18th September 2024
CHAKRAS – THE SECOND MOST VALUABLE THING IN ALL OF EXISTENCE – PART 1 This remarkable statement by Dr. George King extends beyond human existence to the cosmos as a whole. In this Part 1 episode, Richard and Chrissie will explore what it means to life at a macrocosmic level, as well as to us all as individuals at… More >> |
19th June 2024
THE AETHERIUS SOCIETY SYMBOL - A MEDITATION Yoga masters throughout the ages have accessed profound wisdom by attaining the highest states of meditation known as Samadhi. In late 1955, Master of Yoga Dr George King entered a deep state of meditation lasting for at least 65 hours in St. Mawes, Cornwall. During this meditation he devised… More >> |
22nd May 2024
ADVANCED REVELATIONS BY THE MASTER AETHERIUS – NEVER RELEASED BEFORE! Did you know that as we become more conscious of our Divine natures we will experience seven states of being on our epic journey back to the God-head? No? Neither did I until very recently. In the 1950s, Master of Yoga Dr George King wrote… More >> |
17th April 2024
THE MASTER JESUS WANTS US TO REALIZE OUR DIVINITY - PART 2 Realizing the Divine power within us all would manifest heaven on Earth for all. A world free from violence, war, greed and disease can become our reality. The Master Jesus knew this. He anchored upon our world, some 2000 years ago, a pathway of wisdom to help… More >> |
20th March 2024
THE MASTER JESUS WANTS US TO REALIZE OUR DIVINITY - PART 1 Realizing our Divinity is why we are on planet Earth — despite appearances to the contrary. This is the true essence of the great world religions, and the true message of spiritual leaders such as the Lord Buddha, Sri Krishna, and the Master Jesus. They knew… More >> |
21st February 2024
HOW TO PREVENT WORLD WAR III The world is in a dangerous state. With top officials talking about moving closer to a World War III, we can’t rely on politicians and the military to sort this out. So how can we prevent World War III? Join Aetherius Radio Live hosts Richard… More >> |
17th January 2024
RECONNECTING WITH YOUR SOUL Discover mind-expanding revelations throwing light on a misunderstood topic – reconnecting with your soul. In this episode of Aetherius Radio Live, hosts Richard Lawrence and Chrissie Blaze explore what Master of Yoga Dr. George King described as “one of the most important revelations in the annals of… More >> |
18th October 2023
CHANNELLING IS A SCIENCE NOT A SÉANCE What comes to mind when you think about someone channeling an intelligence from another realm of existence? Most people wouldn’t think about it as a science. But Master of Yoga Dr. George King did. That was just one of the things that set him apart… More >> |
20th September 2023
10 WAYS YOUR PSYCHIC POWER CAN HELP OTHERS Psychic powers are real.And you can have your own experiences that will prove this to you.The big question is what you should do with them.In the old yoga schools, students were often taught to completely detach from psychic powers in order to remain focused on… More >> |
19th July 2023
THE LIVING GALAXY CHANGES EVERYTHING The Galaxy is a living being. “It lives, It breathes, It thinks, It feels pain, It meditates, in the same way as does the Logos of a Planet.” – Mars Sector 6 In this month’s episode of Aetherius Radio Live hosts Richard Lawrence and Chrissie… More >> |
20th June 2023
50 YEARS OF OPERATION PRAYER POWER We are now just days away from our historic pilgrimage to Holdstone Down, where we will be celebrating 50 years since the Inauguration of Operation Prayer Power – a completely unique world healing mission designed by Master of Yoga Dr. George King.In this month’s episode… More >> |
24th March 2023
SERVICE LEADS TO KUNDALINI HEAVEN (PART 3) Materialism is the lie that the meaning of life is the accumulation of wealth, and pleasures we experience through the senses. It is an illusion fuelled by fear and doubt to enslave us all. The good news is that we can rise above… More >> |
21st February 2023
KNOWING GOD THROUGH KING YOGA This month’s episode of Aetherius Radio Live is a very special show featuring a recording made earlier this month by Richard Lawrence. It includes a series of extracts, exactly as he wrote them, from what Richard calls his ‘Kundalini Diaries’. He started the diaries on… More >> Important Note - Richard does not regard himself as qualified to teach any methods relating to kundalini with the exception of those published in the book he co-authored with Dr George King, Realize Your Inner Potential. In the light of this he is not advising anyone to use the techniques described on this show except those which were taught by or through Dr King. |
22nd November 2022
AN ANTI-WAR SPECIAL Humanity has been fighting wars for thousands of years. War has never been the answer to any question on Earth, and it never will be. Pacifism is good in theory, but unworkable in practice on its own. Surprising as it may sound, simply turning the… More >> |
5th October
SERVICE LEADS TO KUNDALINI HEAVEN (PART 2) One of the most rewarding aspects of the spiritual path is realizing for ourselves who we truly are and why we’re here. We’re here to evolve spiritually – to free ourselves from the bondage of fear and the materialistic trap which keeps us from achieving… More >> |
26th August 2022
SERVICE LEADS TO KUNDALINI HEAVEN (PART 1) The purpose of all our lives is to evolve spiritually. The key to your spiritual evolution is raising the mystical power we all have at the base of the spine known as “Kundalini”. What can you do to raise this power? And what incredible experiences… More>> |
23rd May 2022
ADEPT NUMBER 6 – ARCHETYPE OF TRANSMUTATION The Six Adepts are six cosmic intelligences who came to this world from higher planes of existence beyond Earth.One of these great beings – known as “Adept Number 6” – is none other than the Lord Babaji – the greatest Spiritual Master on this planet. He is the… More >> |
20th April 2022
THE FIRST COSMIC TRANSMISSION GIVEN IN PUBLIC On January 29th, 1955, Master of Yoga Dr. George King walked up onto the platform in Caxton Hall, London, for the first time to act as a channel for The Master Aetherius – an enlightened extraterrestrial intelligence from a higher plane of existence on the planet Venus.In this… More >> |
18th March 2022
JESUS – THE MASTER WHO REVEALED A PANTHEON OF SUPERGALACTIC PROPORTIONS On March 15th we celebrated the true birthdate of the Master Jesus.Often we focus on his life, including his plan and purpose for being on Earth, but in this month’s episode of Aetherius Radio Live, host Richard Lawrence and his guest Julian Rosser focus on… More >> |
27th February 2022
AETHERIUS SOCIETY MEMBERSHIP – THE OPPORTUNITY OF OUR LIVES Over the years we’ve received thousands of questions about Membership in The Aetherius Society. What difference does it make? Why does it matter? Is it the right step for you? In terms of your spiritual advancement, and our future on Earth, there are considerable karmic… More >> |
22nd December 2021
BEING A DISCIPLE – FROM CHRISTIANITY TO KING YOGA Discipleship is by no means a concept limited to the twelve disciples of the Bible or even the Christian tradition as a whole. It is a calling common throughout many spiritual traditions on Earth, including Buddhism, Hinduism, and of course King Yoga – the spiritual… More >> |
21st October 2021
HOW DR GEORGE KING CHANGED THE COSMIC PLAN Throughout our history on Earth, great beings from other planets in this Solar System, known as Avatars, have allowed a part of their consciousness to be born here as one of us, in order to help us towards Enlightenment. Different Avatars have exemplified different qualities,… More >> |
30th September 2021
TERRESTRIAL INITIATION AND COSMIC HIERARCHY As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. Have you ever wondered about the robes and rituals in The Aetherius Society? Or about the blending of Eastern practices and Western traditions that you find in our Services? They’re great questions and you’d certainly not be alone! In… More >> |
23rd August 2021
THE INITIATION OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM (PART 2) As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. In this month’s episode of Aetherius Radio Live hosts Richard Lawrence and Chrissie Blaze continue their exploration of the greatest event we have ever heard of in this Solar System!On December 28th, 1969, the Master Aetherius reported, through the yogic… More >> |
21st July 2021
A UFO SPECIAL As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. Less than a month ago the Pentagon released their report on UFOs. They may have downplayed many of the outstanding revelations made, but the truth is still out: UFOs are real. And for anyone reading the report with common… More >> |
27th May 2021
THE INITIATION OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM (PART 1) As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. NASA touched down on Mars in February. China touched down earlier this month. Will they ever find signs of the advanced civilizations that exist there? In this month’s episode of Aetherius Radio Live hosts Richard Lawrence and Chrissie Blaze… More >> |
21st April 2021
MEDITATION REDEFINED IN KING YOGA As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. This month’s episode of Aetherius Radio Live opens with a fascinating new theory about the encounter between Prince Philip’s personal aide, Sir Peter Horsley, and an individual Sir Peter believed to be an alien, in 1954. This contact completely… More >> |
18th March 2021
DR KING'S LAST MISSION – OPERATION POWER LIGHT As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. In the words of Master of Yoga Dr. George King, today we celebrate the start “of the Mighty, of the Mighty, of the Mighty Operation Power Light.” Operation Power Light was a mission given to Dr. King by the… More >> |
22nd January 2021
DR GEORGE KING - KARMIC AGENT On January 23rd we celebrate the 102nd anniversary of the birth of Master of Yoga Dr. George King! In this month’s episode of Aetherius Radio Live, Richard Lawrence and Brian Keneipp, both long-time disciples of Dr. King, and co-authors… More >> |
18th December 2020
OUR DIRECTIVES FOR THE NEXT 1,000 YEARS (PART 4) In this month’s show, Aetherius Radio Live is back with the fourth and final instalment in a series based on ‘The Five Temples of God’ – a communication giving The Aetherius Society world-changing directives for the coming 1000 years… More >> |
18th November 2020
A SATURN MISSION SPECIAL In this month’s show, host Richard Lawrence invites fellow Saturn Mission Field Commander Brian Keneipp onto the show for a Saturn Mission special. The Saturn Mission is one of the five Cosmic Missions entrusted to The Aetherius Society. What… More >> |
23rd October 2020
OUR DIRECTIVES FOR THE NEXT 1,000 YEARS (PART 3) In this month’s show, Aetherius Radio Live is back with the third part in a series based on a communication giving The Aetherius Society directives for the coming 1000 years. This communication was given through the yogic mediumship of… More >> |
1st August 2020
OUR DIRECTIVES FOR THE NEXT 1,000 YEARS (PART 2) In this month’s show, Aetherius Radio Live is back with the second part in a series based on a communication giving The Aetherius Society directives for the coming 1000 years. This communication was given through the yogic mediumship of… More >> |
22nd May 2020
OUR DIRECTIVES FOR THE NEXT 1,000 YEARS (PART 1) This truly-inspired episode is based on a communication entitled ‘The Five Temples of God.’ This Transmission was given through the yogic mediumship of Master of Yoga Dr. George King in 1967, by an extraterrestrial intelligence known as the Master… More >> |
22nd April 2020
OPERATION WORLD HEALING - THEN AND NOW Looking for something positive and powerful that you can do? It doesn’t take all of humanity to change the karma of the whole of humanity. It only takes a relative few determined, spiritually-minded individuals, working together in cooperation with… More >> |
25th February 2020
DISCIPLESHIP FOR THIS AGE You don’t need to be in the physical, living presence of a Spiritual Master to benefit from their teaching. But you do need to make the effort to study and apply their teaching for yourself if you want to… More >> |
29th January 2020
UFOS AND SPIRITUALITY On this day, January 29th, in 1955, an advanced extraterrestrial intelligence, whom we call the Master Aetherius, was able to speak through the unique trance mediumship of Dr. George King to a public audience in London for the first… More >> |
25th November 2019
WHEN DR KING REALIZED HE CAME FROM ANOTHER WORLD Like the Master Jesus, the Lord Buddha and other great Avatars throughout history, Master of Yoga Dr. George King also came from another world. Sadly, in most cases, we simply do not really know very much about the lives… More >> |
24th August 2019
A BIOGRAPHY OF A BIOGRAPHY We are overjoyed to be launching the much-anticipated biography of Master of Yoga Dr George King this weekend: The King Who Came To Earth. Dr King was an enigma even to his closest staff and disciples, and went to… More >> |