UFOs (unidentified flying objects) are much more than strange shapes in the sky. String theory, hyperspace, and dark matter have led physicists to realise that the three dimensions we thought described the universe aren’t enough – there may actually be numerous dimensions. As this possibility evolves, so the real prospect of meeting our extraterrstrial neighbours emerges. Over the decades there have been thousands of eyewitness accounts of visitations of extraterrestrial beings to Earth proving that we are not alone in the universe.
Drawing on over three decades of experience in this field, in his book UFOs and the extraterrestrial message (CICO Books), Richard's spiritual insight into UFOs shows how co-operation with our extraterrestrial visitors can be the key to a New Age of peace and enlightenment on Earth. From ancient texts to little-known eyewitness accounts, Richard explores the evidence and determines the truth. By offering a variety of claims throughout the book, some deluded and some genuine, Richard’s study of well-known X-file exposes, abduction claims, orb sightings, channelled messages from cosmic beings, mental transmissions and his own personal experiences of alien contact, gives us a unique insight into how UFOs are sending us messages which may just hold the key to our spiritual advancement and to world peace.
As one of the first people to bring a genuine X-file document news story to the UK in 1979, now known as ‘the cosmic Watergate’ Richard explains how this story tells us more about the spiritual nature of UFOs rather than simply being another sighting in another governmental cover-up. Where a major super power attempted to chase a UFO and fire missiles at it, the UFO did not return like for like and gently took control of the situation so that no harm was inflicted upon any part. This indicates beyond doubt that the controllers of UFOs have a control over mind and matter which is a foresight to Earth technology. As Richard claims "the existence of so much activity and radiation beyond our visible perception certainly suggests that other forms of energy and matter exist which are as yet undetected by current science." Another example is that of the Chernobyl disaster, where an interplanetary communicator, friend and colleague of Richard’s, namely Dr King, had warning of a pending emergency situation four hours and 53 minutes before the worst nuclear reactor diaster in history. As it was later realised in 2002 by a Russian journal, Pravda, the explosion was only a thermal blast and that this was softened by the help of a cosmic force, a UFO seen by hundreds of people hovering above the fourth generating unit of the Chernobyl plant. Richard explains how the Cosmic Masters communicated through a proven channel, i.e. Dr King, and that this extraterrestrial intervention clearly prevented a greater disaster. Richard has also co-authored a book with Dr George King entitled Contacts with the Gods from space, which was published a year before Dr King's passing in 1996. How did I become interested in UFOs?
I was a drama and music student at Hull University in the North of England but my main interest was discovering the meaning of life, and studying many different philosophies. One of these was The Aetherius Society which had a group at the university studying contacts with extraterrestrial intelligences. Shortly after discovering the Society, I had a superb UFO sighting in Hull of a cigar-shaped object which was seen by hundreds of others in the area. This is how I became aware of the links between UFOs and spirituality. |
65th anniversary of the UFO rally at Trafalgar Square on 23rd August 1958
UFOs are real, friendly and alien – governments know it! (starts 29 minutes in)Oldest international UFO organisation validated by recent government admissionsFor over 60 years The Aetherius Society has insisted that UFOs are real, friendly and alien, and that governments know it. The Society’s founder, Dr George King, published this on the front cover of the journal Cosmic Voice in 1958 using the term ‘Flying Saucers’, which was then in vogue, rather than UFOs... Read Press Release
UFO sighting by Richard & Alyson Lawrence
Alyson: We went out for our usual after-dinner walk around 8pm – it was sunset and the sky was clear, very few clouds.
We were walking down Marville Road when we spotted a low-flying round grey object with no obvious form of propulsion.
We kept observing it and it seemed to be more bell shaped. It would turn on its side and appeared more disc shaped. Then it would revert to its upright position definitely more bell shaped again.
It carried on its manoeuvre and headed in a south-easterly direction until it could no longer be seen. At no time was there any sound coming from it and no flashing lights.
Richard: To me it seemed to be the classic flying saucer shape. It was bell shaped, it would be a flattened bell with a wide circumference.
We estimated it to be about 500 feet up with a 30-40 feet diameter. It was travelling at a steady pace. There were light winds at about 90o to the object. There were no wings and it was solid and grey. There was nobody else in the street. It lasted about 5 minutes.
That morning at 7.30am I had been to Trafalgar Square with Ayub and Jamie to record a video to mark the 65th anniversary of Dr King’s Trafalgar Square Flying Saucer Rally there, which took place on August 23rd 1958.
Alyson and I have had a number of sightings over the years but never an object in which this shape has been clearly visible. I believe it was deliberate in response to our promotion of this event.
Later that evening at around 10pm Ayub had a sighting from the terrace of my office at Aetherius House. He saw a white ball of light travelling at speed into the distance.
Note: The following night, just after midnight, Jamie and his wife Noémi had a sighting from the terrace of their flat. This too was a white object travelling at such speed that it was impossible to discern its shape. Like Ayub’s it was low flying and definitely not a meteorite or a shooting star.
So within 48 hours of making the video in Trafalgar Square, all three of us have had separate UFO sightings in Fulham where we all reside. Not by chance, but by design - a definite response to an event in 1958 we were marking!
Richard’s more recent UFO sightings
At approximately 7.45pm I was sitting on the patio on my own outside my office at Aetherius House. I was preparing my thoughts to work on the UFO campaign I am currently leading for The Aetherius Society worldwide, entitled: UFOs are real, friendly and alien – governments know it. I was going to work on a summary of ten UFOs that have changed the world and had a handwritten list of these on my desk. The tenth one was described in my handwriting as, “Ezekiel’s wheels within wheels”.
As I looked up in the sky, I saw a circular object travelling in an easterly direction. It appeared like a wheel on its side with a silvery metallic surface on the rim of the wheel. As it turned upwards the whole wheel-like object became visible and there was seemingly an inner wheel possibly adjoined to the outer wheel and then within that the shape of a cross like an X. The wheel was not turning and nor was the inner X. No propellers or any kind of propulsion units were visible nor was there a vapour trail or any sound. It travelled easterly at a steady pace for about three minutes until it entered a cloud bank in the distance which must have been between 6000 and 10,000 feet above ground.
I called to Alyson in her office but she could not see it from the ground floor because buildings blocked her view and by the time she joined me on the patio it had gone. There were no other witnesses. I did not get a photograph because my phone was in the office and I did not wish to lose sight of it for a moment.
I have spent the morning trying to find out whether it could have been a commercial or military drone. Among the hundreds illustrated on the internet, I did see one which looked a bit like it except that the inner spoke would have been turning and so would have looked blurred rather than as a definite X shape. Also it was for private or possibly life-saving use on Earth so would not have been flying at this height.
I contacted the civil aviation authority which is responsible for all private and commercial drones and they told me that it could not have been a drone including even a military one operating in that location in that way at that time. Private and commercial drones are only allowed to fly 400 feet up. They advised me in all seriousness to contact a UFO society and I hadn’t mentioned the possibility of it being a UFO.
I spoke to the Heathrow Airport police because as most of you know Fulham is on a landing trajectory for planes headed towards Heathrow. They advised me that no drone permissions had been given in this area and no reports had been made of any drones operating at that time. There were no records of this at Fulham Police either.
I tried to contact the Ministry of defence and various army bases without success - there was simply no one available to answer my questions. So I contacted BAE Systems, leading arms manufacturers for the British military, and they were very helpful. They confirmed from their records that no military drones were flying in that airspace at that time.
I also contacted a few drone manufacturers and none of them thought it was a drone, one specifying that military drones would be operating in Salisbury not around Fulham. There was one who didn’t rule out the possibility that some unknown maverick operator of an illegal drone had lost control over it, but that was considered extremely unlikely and would also mean that airport or other authorities had not detected it in an area where planes are preparing to land at Heathrow. A leading drone repair specialist had never come across a drone which looked like this with the capacity to travel so high. The Heathrow emergency authorities said “it looks like it wasn’t a drone”.
So I am confident that it was a UFO and, in view of our campaign, at a very significant moment.
14 JULY 2021, LONDON
On Wednesday 9th August, my wife, Alyson and I had spent the day visiting the locations of Mary King’s |(mother of Dr George King) close encounters. We went to her houses in Berrynarbor, Barbrook and Kentisbury, and the field in which the spacecraft of Mars Sector 8 landed and later took off from.
At approximately 3.00am, since neither of us could sleep, Alyson walked over to the window which looked out across the Bristol Channel towards Wales. It was a cloudy night and the stars were not generally visible unless the clouds momentarily parted revealing tiny pinpricks from a distant sky. The coastline of Wales could be seen with some street lights and possibly an illuminated red tower of some kind. This was possibly Swansea.
Clearly visible in the sky was a bright object above the Bristol Channel towards but not over Wales. It was below the cloud line. It appeared to be triangular in shape with three small globes on the points of the triangle. It was golden yellow and completely motionless. It did not flash at all as with a terrestrial aircraft.
Periodically there were changes in its shape and intensity of its light and colour. Over a period of 30 seconds, perhaps, it would become brighter and then later for a period of about 30 seconds it would become dimmer. Its shape also changed periodically appearing to be compressed into a single large ball and then grow again, resuming its triangular formation.
It remained in the sky for approximately 20 minutes and then faded out and disappeared.
We noticed that Mary King’s activities would often commence at around 3.00am, and that it was 3.20am when she saw a spacecraft from her bedroom window in Barbrook. Earlier in the previous day we had visited both this house and the street she had seen from her bedroom window where the spacecraft had landed. Just as with our sighting in March, after the broadcast on this topic, we believe this sighting was linked with our investigations into Mary King’s encounters.
My wife, Alyson and I had just left our house for an evening walk in Fulham. We looked up in the sky where the sun had just set and our attention was caught by what appeared to be a large crimson globe hanging there, stationary. We both watched this for about a minute, then it suddenly moved a short distance and stopped still. These stop/start manoeuvres continued and at one point it dropped down and we could perceive a solid bell-like shape, which was changing colour from crimson to emerald green and back to crimson again. It moved back to its original position and then streaked off at high speed towards the sunset and vanished in the twinkling of an eye.
We have both seen satellites, small aircraft, high flying aircraft which leave a trail behind them, and helicopters, but I know of no terrestrial aircraft that could perform these manoeuvres in that way at that speed.