The Spiritual Freedom Show with Richard LawrenceWe're thrilled to announce that starting January 1st, 2022, international bestselling author and spiritual teacher, Richard Lawrence, will now be hosting a weekly 15-minute podcast bringing you the wisdom of some of the greatest spiritual teachings ever given to Earth: The Nine Freedoms.
Studying The Nine Freedoms in this way will help you to learn and apply this wisdom in your own life, so that you can experience the awesome broadening of your own awareness, knowledge and even abilities in this light. What can you look forward to?
The show is also syndicated on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month on other radio stations including Body Mind Spirit Radio, Oneness Talk Radio, Transformation Talk Radio and WTRM The Trim Radio Network. You can find the show archives below, including all of our 1-hour shows which were published twice monthly in 2021. New episodes will appear below every Saturday. |
Also syndicated on:
Follow on YouTube: @thespiritualfreedomshow
...a fantastic show on a mission for global consciousness. |
11th January 2025
#152 – LONELINESS AND SPIRITUAL AWAKENING Do you ever feel a deep sense of loneliness, perhaps sometimes even when you’re surrounded by other people – and “shouldn’t” feel lonely at all? What if that feeling is a sign of your spiritual awakening – your soul yearning for something more? In this… More >> |
28th December 2024
#151 – IS FEAR HOLDING YOU BACK? 3 WAYS TO BOLDLY BE WHAT YOU ARE Why is being who you really are one of the hardest, but also most fulfilling, things you can do? This episode explores the challenges of spiritual self-discovery and living with authenticity. Discover: – How to transform fear, doubt, and social pressure into a life aligned… More >> |
14th December 2024
#150 – Unlock the Secrets of Mysticism: The Path to Universal Truth Beyond Religion Podcast“Theologians may quarrel, but the mystics of the world speak the same language.” – Meister Eckhart (1260-1328) What if spirituality wasn’t something that made us different from one another but something that made us the same in our common quest for the Divine? Join us… More >> |
30th November 2024
#149 – HOW TO AVOID BURNOUT AFTER A SPIRITUAL AWAKENING (ESSENTIAL LISTENING FOR SPIRITUAL WORKERS) This episode is essential listening for spiritual workers – people who are at risk of burning out unless they take action to keep that inner flame alive. In this episode you’ll discover: – What spiritual burnout really means – and the good news about what… More >> |
16th November 2024
#148 – HOW TO LEAD A LIFE OF GREATER SATISFACTION (MODERN STUDY ENDORSES ANCIENT YOGA TEACHING How would you rate your quality of life? If you’re looking for ways to make it better, ancient yoga teaching has some priceless answers…! In this episode you’ll discover: – The surprising revelation that one University study made about the connection between religious beliefs and… More >> |
2nd November 2024
#147 – WHY YOU SHOULDN’T SETTLE FOR TEMPORARY HAPPINESS – AND WHAT YOU CAN CHANGE TO CREATE A LIFE OF LASTING INNER JOY INSTEAD PodcastIn this week’s episode, Richard and I talk about a key to enriching your life. Not just with fleeting moments of happiness – but with lasting joy. Don’t miss: – Why world-famous psychologist Daniel Kahneman believes there is something better than happiness – What you… More >> |
19th October 2024
#146 – 3 WAYS TO RECONNECT WITH YOUR SOUL (WHEN YOU'RE FEELING SPIRITUALLY STUCK) If you feel at all lost, unfulfilled, or disconnected from your sense of purpose, tune in to this episode because this week we are talking about reconnecting with your soul.Don’t miss:– The under-utilized ability we can all use to escape from the drudgery of ordinary… More >> |
5th October 2024
#145 – HOW TO MAKE THE BEST OF THE MOST DIFFICULT SITUATIONS IN LIFE Friedrich Nietzsche is credited with saying: “He who has a why to live can bear almost any how.” One of the hardest things in life is finding meaning in the most difficult experiences that we face. In this episode we talk about karma, reincarnation, and… More >> |
21st September 2024
#144 – HAVE YOU GOT TIME TO GO WITHIN? (3 TIPS FOR JUGGLING SPIRITUALITY AND DAILY LIFE) We can all feel overwhelmed at times by a hectic schedule and lots of responsibilities, BUT it’s so important to make time to nourish our soul. In this episode, we show you some ways of doing this. Don’t miss: – Three practical ways you can… More >> |
7th September 2024
#143 – THREE SPIRITUAL KEYS TO INNER PEACE In this show Richard and I talk about three keys to inner peace given in 1958 – by the Master Jesus. Don’t miss: – Simple practices to attain a deeper state of stillness – How the chakras are related to inner peace – The inspiring… More >> |
24th August 2024
#142 – HOW TO BREAK FREE FROM DEEP STATE CONDITIONING (ADVICE FOR SPIRITUAL SEEKERS) Listen to the full episode: The deep state does not want you to wake up. It does not want you to find your purpose and it does not want you to discover your spiritual potential. In this episode we show you how to break free!… More >> |
10th August 2024
#141 – HAD A SPIRITUAL AWAKENING? DISCOVER YOUR LIFE PURPOSE It takes spiritual bravery to find and follow your destiny. And it starts with listening to your inner voice. In this episode, Richard shares priceless advice from his journey to date. Don’t miss: – The purpose of life and how… More >> |
27th July 2024
#140 – HOW TO KNOW WHETHER YOU'RE A PSYCHIC? If you’re wondering whether some of the experiences you’ve been having are real psychic experiences or just your imagination, this episode is for you. In this week’s show, Richard and I talk about: – the surprising story of one of… More >> |
13th July 2024
#139 – A SIMPLE WAY TO EXPERIENCE PEACE Listen to the full episode: You can feel a deep sense of peace – we all have this potential. It can sometimes only take a couple of minutes after – or even during – a particularly busy or stressful day to drastically change your state… More >> |
29th June 2024
HOW TO STOP LIES FROM RULING THE WORLD Truth has great power. And in an age of disinformation, lies and hidden agendas, some consider truth more important than ever. Whether it means telling someone a home truth essential for their wellbeing, or campaigning for a good cause to help others, we need people who are willing to stand up for truth if we want to create a better world. This week, Richard shares stories from his own experience campaigning for truth over decades, as well as insights from the teachings given by and through Master of Yoga Dr. George King. |
15th June 2024
HOW TO DEAL WITH PEOPLE YOU FIND DIFFICULT - PART 1 We all have to deal with difficult people at times – whether it’s an argument at home, a challenging situation at work, or something else. Often it feels like it would just be easier to ignore such people or work around them. But there is a better way you can try. In this two-part series I sit down with Richard to talk about two spiritual ways you can deal with difficult people when these situations crop up. This week, Richard shares a few simple spiritual practices anyone can use to deal with difficult people and even make a difference in the world! |
1st June 2024
TIPS ABOUT WORKING WITH SPIRIT GUIDES Last month Richard was visited by a Buddhist Lama from the afterlife! It is another inspiring story of a contact with someone who has passed on and is now working in various ways to help people who are doing spiritual work. In this week’s show, Richard speaks from his decades of experience about the different types of contacts you can receive and shares his tips about working with spirit guides. |
18th May 2024
HOW TO THINK ABOUT MONEY? Is money inherently evil? Does spending money make us materialistic? Is it always wrong to accumulate wealth? What is the role of money in our lives – especially when we’re on the spiritual path? In this week’s show, Richard addresses some of the all too common misconceptions about money, wealth and the spiritual path. |
4th May 2024
EXPERIENCING TIMELESSNESS When we dumb down profound wisdom, we dumb down our perception of our Divine potential. Whereas when we study and realize profound truth, we realize our Divine potential more deeply. This week’s episode is about going deeper into the true meaning of things – to what is really meant by “meditation”, “enlightenment” and even the “Now”. |
20th April 2024
THE SEARCH FOR A DEEPER UNDERSTANDING OF EVOLUTION - PART 2 Back in September last year, Richard shared an incredible personal story: a cosmic realization about the purpose of life – in one word. Interestingly, leading evolutionary scientists have started to question the commonly understood theory of evolution – and even highlight various shortcomings. The search is on for a more profound understanding of why we are here, where we are going, and how. In this week’s show, Richard takes further questions from our audience about the nature of spiritual evolution and what that means for us. |
6th April 2024
THE SEARCH FOR A DEEPER UNDERSTANDING OF EVOLUTION - PART 1 Last September Richard shared an incredible personal story: a cosmic realization about the purpose of life – in one word. Interestingly, leading evolutionary scientists have started to question the commonly understood theory of evolution – and even highlight various shortcomings. The search is on for a more profound understanding of why we are here, where we are going, and how. So in this week’s show, Richard takes questions from our audience about the nature of spiritual evolution and what that means for us. Don’t miss it. |
23rd March 2024
THE ROAD TO ASCENSION Contrary to a lot of the noise you may hear in the New Age Community, there is no shortcut to Ascension. No one graduates from the classroom called Earth with anything less than perfect marks: complete mastery over all experience here. That said, it is true that this extraordinary achievement is the destiny of every single one of us, and that it is up to us whether we will get there sooner – or later. Join Richard for a discussion about the road to Ascension and what someone on the verge of this initiation would really be like! |
9th March 2024
KEY TO HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS Lots of people talk about “raising consciousness”; sometimes our own consciousness, sometimes global consciousness. But what does it actually mean? Doesn’t it seem a bit vague? I am not generally a big fan of vague terms – because vagueness can give the false impression that spirituality is nebulous and wooly, when actually it is extremely precise, can be described technically, and known through direct experience. |
24th February 2024
FINDING YOUR PEOPLE Loneliness affects us all on the spiritual path at one time or another. In large part because this is a very unspiritual world and truly spiritual people are still in a small minority. But, even though it may be difficult to break away from “normal” life to follow our own inner prompting towards spirituality, is there anything else that really matters? Join Richard for a discussion about the promise of true spiritual friendship on the path, and, most importantly of all – the goal of all yoga, union with the Divine. |
10th February 2024
TRUTH IS. Many people talk about “their truth” as if there is no such thing as the truth. But the truth will be the truth whether we believe it or not, like it or not, etc. And a love for the truth is essential if we wish to find truth, including the highest truths about what we are – of our Real Selves – and of the very nature of God itself. Join Richard for this week’s discussion about truth, paradox and the path to Enlightenment. |
27th January 2024
HOW TO MAKE A CONNECTION WITH A REAL SPIRITUAL MASTER The relationship between Master and disciple is not like teacher and pupil at school. It is a form of magic. A metaphysical link is formed, through which the disciple can advance by the very presence of the Master. Even if the Master is not physically present, if you are truly dedicated to that Master and their teaching, their power will be present in your life – so that you can advance in the best possible way. In this week’s show, Richard shares more of his own insights and personal stories from his time with Dr. King. |
13th January 2024
WHAT IS A GENUINE SPIRITUAL MASTER REALLY LIKE? What is a genuine spiritual master really like? Richard spent more than 20 years working very closely with Master of Yoga Dr. George King – a man of extraordinary spiritual powers and wisdom. In this week’s show, Richard shares some of his own insights and personal stories from his time with Dr. King – offering a rare glimpse into the life of a Master. |
30th December 2023
UFOS: ETS OR SECRET TECH? In spite of credible whistleblowers coming forward, and decades of earlier disclosure, there are still a lot of people who believe that genuine UFO sightings are evidence of secret government programs rather than extraterrestrial life. But can anyone really claim that the UFO phenomenon is anything new? Join me and Richard for a discussion about UFOs that have been sighted throughout our recorded history – in the Bible, the Hindu Vedas and more! Wishing you all an inspired New Year ahead! |
16th December 2023
AN ENLIGHTENED VIEW ON "SIN" “Sin” is one of those loaded words. It calls to mind images of fanatical churchmen preaching fire and brimstone to their cowering congregations. No surprise that a lot of the dogma about sin is plain wrong. Eternal hell and damnation, seven deadly sins, absolution etc. So is there any truth in it at all? What do the Cosmic Masters have to say about “sin”? Join me for a thought-provoking discussion with Richard this week about the only major sin there is and some of its surprising implications. Wishing all of you an inspiring holiday period! |
2nd December 2023
DOORMAT OR DOORWAY TO ENLIGHTENMENT? There is a wrong idea that service to others somehow involves subjugating yourself to others’ needs. Or that it means bending over backwards to accommodate people’s demands with some sort of robotic-like obedience. But service is about neither of those things. Service is not about making yourself a doormat. It is about helping others to get closer to God. And in fact it is the doorway to your own Enlightenment too. |
18th November 2023
CAN YOU PRAY TO "GOD" FOR HELP? There are a lot of misconceptions and hangups that people can have about prayer – because of the way it is conventionally portrayed and performed by certain mainstream religions. In King Yoga prayer is about energy. It is based on ancient yogic wisdom including an understanding of prana, chakras, visualization, and universal love! This week’s episode is an escape from the mainstream – exploring a refreshingly dynamic technique of personal prayer taught by Master of Yoga Dr. George King. |
4th November 2023
THE TRUTH BEHIND THE GLOBAL CONSPIRACY Part of our mission on The Spiritual Freedom Show is to arm seekers with the whole truth so that they can better understand the world around them – and their role in changing it for the better as one of the forces of light. Tune in to this week’s episode for a discussion with Richard about what is really going on behind the scenes on Earth and who is responsible. |
28th October 2023
INTELLIGENT LIFE IN OUR SOLAR SYSTEM? There are a handful of scientists that are searching for life not as we know it – beyond our concept of biology. But there are still no scientists, that we know of, who are approaching the truth about advanced extraterrestrial life – which exists even in our Solar System. Tune in to this week’s episode for a discussion with UFO expert and spiritual teacher Richard Lawrence about life beyond Earth. |
21st October 2023
DO MATERIAL THINGS MATTER ON THE SPIRITUAL PATH? For the genuine truth-seeker there are a lot of confusing messages about money, materialism and true spirituality. Let’s get some clarity! |
14th October 2023
ISRAEL-HAMAS WAR: THE SPIRITUAL ANSWER It’s not about choosing sides – it’s about recognizing that God is all, and acting in the light of that to help bring about peace, freedom, aid and stability to the region – as a whole. In other words, war is not the answer and pacifism is not enough. The only lasting solution is direct spiritual action. Please do share this video with others! |
7th October 2023
WHAT DO DREAMS MEAN? Are dreams just a jumble of thoughts in our head? Or can they have meaning? Can they even be genuinely prophetic? Check out this week’s episode for a discussion about what happens when we dream and what you can do to live in a more conscious way – 24 hours per day. |
30th September 2023
PSYCHIC POWERS FOR SPIRITUAL WORKERS Psychic powers are something innate within us all. They are not a gift some people are born with and some people aren’t. Anyone can develop psychic powers – and the best reason to develop them is to do more to help other people. Anyone can learn to heal others spiritually – and to radiate energy to raise global consciousness! Check out this week’s episode for expert guidance from Richard about equipping yourself as a spiritual worker so that you can make an even greater difference in the world today. |
23rd September 2023
WHAT IS PSYCHIC VISION REALLY LIKE? Does clairvoyance (psychic vision) sound mysterious to you? All of the senses can be used psychically and psychic vision is just one of many psychic powers anyone can develop. So what is it really like to see something or someone psychically – rather than with your physical eyes? And what are you actually seeing? In this week’s episode I talk to Richard about his decades of experience with psychic powers, including clairvoyance. |
16th September 2023
PSYCHIC POWERS: FACT VS FICTION Is telepathy real? Is it possible to communicate with people after they have died – and even see them? Can people really levitate? Do psychic powers play a role in genius? There is still a lot of mystery surrounding psychic powers and, because of that, a lot of misconceptions too. If they are real, how do they actually work? Join me for a conversation with Richard Lawrence and discover more about psychic powers – benefitting from his experience of over 40 years! |
9th September 2023
WANT TO BE PSYCHIC? Anyone can be psychic – it’s just a question of practice. If you want proof of whether psychic powers really exist, and what they’re like, the best way is to experience them for yourself. Richard is the author of the classic international bestseller Unlock Your Psychic Powers and has decades of experience. In this week’s episode we talk about getting started with psychic powers, what yoga has to do with developing your psychic abilities, and some dos and don’ts to look out for in the beginning. |
2nd September 2023
ET CONTACTEES: GENUINE, FAKE OR SIMPLY DELUDED? These days there are lots of psychic mediums who claim to be in contact with beings from other worlds. But how many are genuine contacts? How can you tell if they are genuine, fake or simply deluded? There is no psychic medium or message that you need to take on face value. You can absolutely ask any medium for their credentials in order to make a decision for yourself. In this week’s episode, Richard and I discuss a set of easy yardsticks you can use to determine whether any particular ET contactee is the real thing. |
26th August 2023
HAS MADAME BLAVATSKY ENDORSED THIS SHOW? This week we have another fascinating communicator from the higher realms who is an admirer of The Nine Freedoms – no less than Madame Blavatsky! She was the founder of the Theosophical Society and is revered for her gutsy and unwavering devotion to truth and spirituality – now including the cosmic wisdom given to Earth through Dr. George King. In this week’s episode I chat to Richard about the messages he received from Madame Blavatsky about The Nine Freedoms – one of which he got half an hour before the first ever episode of our show in 2021! |
19th August 2023
I CHANNELLED DANTE, TOLSTOY AND SIR FRANCIS BACON - PART 2 In 2013/14 Richard channeled a series of messages from three of the greatest names in world literature: Dante Alighieri, Leo Tolstoy and Sir Francis Bacon. Even more fascinating – each message was based on one of the Nine Freedoms. Tune in for part two of my discussion with Richard about each message and its author, as well as a treasure trove of insight into mediumship, channeling and psychic powers from someone who has been practising for over 40 years! Read the full text of ‘The Lion and the Lamb‘ – Leo Tolstoy, and ‘An Ode to Service‘ – Sir Francis Bacon. |
12th August 2023
I CHANNELLED DANTE, TOLSTOY AND SIR FRANCIS BACON - PART 1 In 2015 Psychic News published a series of messages channelled by Richard from three of the greatest names in world literature: Dante Alighieri, Leo Tolstoy and Sir Francis Bacon. Even more fascinating – each message was based on one of the Nine Freedoms. Tune in to part one of this series for a discussion with Richard about each message and its author, as well as a treasure trove of insight into what psychic powers are really like. Read the full text of ‘The Currency of Truth‘ – Dante Alighieri |
5th August 2023
NOT YOUR AVARAGE TAKE ON "GOD" Atheists believe God does not exist. Agnostics believe that nothing is known, or can be known, of the existence or nature of God. And fanatics insist that they are the only ones who know who or what God really is – and that everyone else should blindly agree with them. But you don’t have to take any idea of God on blind faith. You can find out for yourself. The key is knowing God – through realization. |
29th July 2023
EX-MILITARY WHISTLEBLOWERS: UFOS NOT FROM EARTH The House Oversight Committee held a hearing in which senior former military officials came forward to testify about UFOs. The big question was: is the US government finally going to reveal that they have evidence of extraterrestrial life? The short answer is: they did…! Richard has been campaigning for governments to tell the truth about UFOs for more than 40 years! And there are few, if any, people in a better position to talk about what happened, what we can expect now, and what we should demand from our governments going forward. |
22nd July 2023
WAS THAT YOUR IMAGINATION - OR YOUR INTUITION? We’ve probably all experienced flashes of intuition at some time or another – and it can serve as an extremely useful guide throughout our life. And even though it can be difficult to “hear” and interpret correctly in the beginning, the good news is that we can all improve our intuitive abilities throughout our lives. So how does the intuition actually work? How can you tell the difference between your intuition and your imagination? And what can you do to develop your intuition – so that you can tap into it more often? |
15th July 2023
IS THERE REALLY A GLOBAL CONSPIRACY? Is there a sinister global conspiracy keeping us all down? Or is simple human nature responsible for the evil we see in the world? If there is a conspiracy, who or what is responsible for it, and to what extent are we all complicit in their scheme? More importantly, what can we do about it now? Tune in for an eye-opening episode exploring the truth about the greatest conspiracy on Earth, and what you can do to protect yourself, change yourself, and ultimately change the world for the better. |
8th July 2023
THE NEW AGE: ARE YOU IN OR OUT? On July 8th, 1964 the Earth received an unimaginable amount of high-frequency spiritual energy. Since that event in 1964, the Earth has begun to release that energy. The great change has started. Now is the time – the opportunity – to prepare ourselves to go into the New Age with Her, by helping to raise global consciousness. Tune in to this week’s episode to discover what July 8th means for everyone on Earth, and what you can do to live a more spiritual life in the light of these profound revelations. |
1st July 2023
REAL SPIRITUALITY VS FAKE SPIRITUALITY Searching for a spiritual path can be fraught with challenges. How can you tell the difference between a real guru and a fake? Or between a true path and a fake one? What can you do to avoid the common pitfalls that anyone can fall into? |
24th June 2023
KNOWING GOD A lot of people claim to be enlightened. These claims are rarely ever true. But this is a conversation with someone who has actually experienced an enlightened state in which they knew God. Tune in for a discussion with Richard about his experience and the lessons we can all apply on the journey to true spiritual enlightenment. |
17th June 2023
SPIRITUALITY – IN ONE WORD! In one word – what does spirituality mean to you? What is “being spiritual” really about? Is it about truth? A greater awareness of oneness? Inner peace? Come and join us for the discussion on the 101st episode of the show! |
10th June 2023
HOW TO BE IN THE WORLD BUT NOT OF IT It’s not easy living in our materialistic world and striving for spiritual enlightenment. But “in the world” is where we need to be in order to serve and help as many people as possible. The challenge is to change the world for the better rather than let the world change us for the worse. So what can we do to be “in the world but not of it”? To become ever more attuned to our Higher Selves? To stay focused on the spiritual path? Come and join us for our 100th episode of the show! |
3rd June 2023
DO YOU REMEMBER YOUR PAST LIVES? We have all lived through countless incarnations on Earth! Who were you in a past life? What are the lessons you need to learn in this life? And how could your experiences in a past life help you now? Check out this week’s episode of The Spiritual Freedom Show for insights into karma, reincarnation, past lives and the journey to enlightenment. |
27th May 2023
THE SCIENCE OF SPIRITUALITY Many of the most inspired figures in history have talked about the unity of science and religion – Max Planck, Werner Heisenberg, Sri Yukteswar, and Master of Yoga Dr. George King, to name just a few. Dr. King was a true exemplar of this unity. He was extremely practical and well-versed in the occult sciences, and applied a logical approach to spirituality. Check out this week's episode for an insight into the way that Dr. King applied this knowledge to change the world. |
20th May 2023
WHAT'S YOUR DESTINY? If we want to find true happiness – to really feel like we’re doing what we’re meant to be doing – we need to realize our destiny. So, what is YOUR destiny? And what can you do to realize it? Check out this week’s episode of The Spiritual Freedom Show for a conversation about free will, fate and attuning yourself with your soul. |
13th May 2023
INNER PEACE OR WORLD PEACE? Is changing ourselves the best way to change the world? Should we focus on our own inner peace? And let world peace take care of itself? Or is there a need to play a more direct – more active – role in helping others who are suffering? Check out this week’s episode of The Spiritual Freedom Show for an in-depth conversation about the real message of the New Age: Enlightenment through service. |
6th May 2023
UFOS: FRIEND OR FOE? Are UFOs really hostile – as so many try to make out, or are they friendly? Why don’t they do more to prove themselves? Why don’t UFOs land openly among us – in the middle of London or Washington D.C.? Check out this week’s episode of The Spiritual Freedom Show for an in-depth discussion about UFOs with an expert who has campaigned for – and shared – the truth about UFOs and the extraterrestrial message for more than 40 years! |
29th April 2023
DOES TRUTH MATTER TO YOU? This week’s topic is something very close to my heart. And if you’re reading this, probably close to yours too. In a world that is hypnotised by the “unreal” – consumerism, materialism, etc – it is the only thing that really matters in the end. Truth. Check out this week’s episode of The Spiritual Freedom Show for an in-depth discussion about how we can all become more inspired, more courageous and more committed to what really counts. |
22nd April 2023
WERE YOU BORN TO SUFFER? When we’re faced with suffering it can be hard to understand why. Why me? Why this? Why now? The truth is not just helpful but even liberating. It can help us all not only to endure the trials of life with a completely different perspective, but even to turn that adversity we face into an advantage – for ourselves and even for others too. |
15th April 2023
PEOPLE FROM OTHER PLANETS Lots of people identify as “starseeds” – souls from other planets who have incarnated here on Earth to help humanity in some way. But how many, if any, of them really are from other planets? Tune in this week to discover more about what people from other planets are really like – and how you could recognize one of these extraordinary people. |
8th April 2023
EASTER, EXTRATERRESTRIALS AND KARMA What if I told you that the Master Jesus was from another planet? That the Star of Bethlehem was a UFO? That Jesus’s main mission to Earth was to die – and that he arranged his own death at that time to avert an imminent catastrophe on Earth? Don’t miss this week’s in-depth discussion about Easter, extraterrestrials and karma as revealed by Master of Yoga Dr. George King and the channelled messages that were given through him by the Master Jesus himself! |
1st April 2023
WHO'S YOUR SPIRIT GUIDE? Even if you aren’t aware of yours, it doesn’t mean they’re not there and it doesn’t mean they’re not inspiring you. Richard has had many contacts with people living on higher realms, and in this episode he shares insights from his wealth of experience as a psychic reader, medium and spiritual teacher. Tune in for an in-depth discussion about what spirit guides are, who yours might be, and what you can do to become more open to their guidance in your life! |
25th March 2023
WHAT GOT YOU INTO SPIRITUALITY? I think we can all agree that the traditional image we’re given for a successful, happy life just doesn’t fit with the spiritually-minded person. It just isn’t enough. Sooner or later, the desire for truth and the urge to make a difference inspire us to look deeper into what life is really about. Tune in this week for stories of people on the path – as well as our own accounts of, and reflections on, the great journey to God-consciousness. Can you recognize some of your own story in them too? |
18th March 2023
THE RAW TRUTH ABOUT CHANNELLED TEACHINGS There are lots of people who claim to be in telepathic contact with the Master Jesus or another advanced Master a higher plane of existence. The key is to be able to pick out the true from the false – to be able to identify the genuine channels with an important message for humanity. Listen first-hand to an expert with decades of personal experience practising mediumship – and working with one of the greatest mediums in history – as he shares practical insights and tips to help you. |
11th March 2023
YOU CAN PROVE PSYCHIC POWERS This week Richard and I talk about psychic powers. For some people, psychic powers sound like magic or wishful thinking, and they have a hard time accepting that things like clairvoyance or mediumship actually exist. The best way to find out is to experience them for yourself – then you’ll know. Tune in to listen first-hand to an expert with decades of personal experience teaching people how to unlock their own psychic powers. |
4th March 2023
PACIFISM IS NOT ENOUGH The Spiritual Freedom Show is now on video – as well as audio! This week Richard and Darren talk about the war in Ukraine. Pacifist talk is rarely, if ever, enough to prevent a war – or even end one. The key is spiritual action. This week Richard and Darren talk about the war in Ukraine. Tune in to discover what you can do to make a difference to the war in Ukraine, as well as any other crisis anywhere around the world. |
25th February 2023
LIVING A LIFE OF BRAVERY, TRUE LOVE AND SERVICE When Bipin Patel first came across The Nine Freedoms he was deeply dissatisfied with the life that he was leading – in spite of all of his worldly achievements. This week he talks about the first steps he took to begin to manifest greater bravery, deeper love and world-changing service to others in his life. |
18th February 2023
FOLLOWING A MASTER In the West, some people may balk at the devotion and obedience of disciples, but in the East, the guru-disciple relationship is a tradition thousands of years old and considered by many to be essential to spiritual advancement. This week Paul Nugent shares a few of his own reflections on working with Dr. George King. |
11th February 2023
MAKING THE ULTIMATE SACRIFICE Real love – what is it? In The Nine Freedoms Mars Sector 6 describes love as something vastly more than either of those things: sacrifice. This week Mark Bennett talks about what this means, and even shares a thought about what the ultimate sacrifice might be…! |
4th February 2023
FREE YOURSELF FROM CONDITIONING Fear holds us back from so many things in life. Most importantly, it holds us back from manifesting our own Divine potential: psychic abilities, spiritual healing powers, wisdom and more. This week Alyson Lawrence talks about overcoming fear and conditioning. |
28th January 2023
MAKE LOVE A PART OF YOUR LIFE NOW The Nine Freedoms contains teachings that you can apply in your everyday life to help you conquer fear, love others unconditionally, and race towards enlightenment. This week Livia Patel talks about how the Second Freedom – Love – changed her outlook and her life. Make love a part of your life now! |
21st January 2023
HOW TO CHOOSE A SPIRITUAL TEACHER Choosing a spiritual teacher is one of the most important decisions you will ever make in your life.But how do you know whether a teacher is the real thing? This week Tanya Solberg shares a difficult lesson from her own life to help you in your own search for truth. |
14th January 2023
WHEN IT'S NOT JUST A DREAM... Dreams are not just the ramblings of our unconscious minds, or random electrical discharges, as some scientists may claim. Sleep is a state of astral projection from the physical body. This week Alyson Lawrence talks about the responsibility we have for our thoughts – 24 hours per day! |
7th January 2023
BUILDING A STRONG FOUNDATION FOR YOUR SPIRITUAL PRACTICE This week Vivien Gibson reflects on building a strong foundation for your spiritual practice. An essential key to all forms of self-development is control, and therefore it is vital to have good powers of concentration. Tune in to discover more about what you can do to train your own powers of concentration. |
31st December 2022
NEW YEAR'S INSPIRAITON FOR SPIRITUAL WORKERS On behalf of the team at the Spiritual Freedom Show I’d like to wish you all a Happy New Year! This week Mark Bennett shares a message for spiritual workers everywhere to help inspire you in your work and give you strength for whatever may lie ahead! |
24th December 2022
WHAT REALLY COUNTS AT CHRISTMAS On behalf of the team here at The Spiritual Freedom Show, I’d like to wish all of you celebrating at this time a very happy Christmas! The holiday period gives us all a chance to take a step back and reflect. This week I reflect on what really counts in our lives and what we can all do to embody the true spirit of Christmas all year round. |
17th December 2022
YOU CAN LOVE THE WORLD WITHOUT LIKING IT Just because we are born into a particular religion doesn’t mean we can’t question it or even choose to follow another path instead – one that we believe leads to truth. This week Bonnie Watson shares part of her own spiritual journey – growing up with a Protestant Church background and searching for answers. |
10th December 2022
ARE YOU A SUN WORSHIPPER? We depend on our Sun for absolutely everything in our lives. This week, Noémi Bates shares a moment in her life when this truth came home to her more than ever before! |
3rd December 2022
HOW TO RECOGNIZE A GENUINE SPIRITUAL MASTER Nowadays there are loads of people claiming to be wise gurus, space contactees, spiritual teachers, enlightened masters, and so on. So how can you tell if a guru is really genuine? |
26th November 2022
WHEN DID YOU LAST FEEL JOY? The ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle is said to have made a distinction between two different types of happiness, only one of which can bring you real joy. This week, I share a little bit about the spiritual joy I have found in my life to help inspire you in your own journey to true spiritual fulfilment. |
19th November 2022
DO YOU FEEL LIKE THERE'S SOMETHING MISSING? Today, there simply isn’t time to focus on our own inner peace and development at the expense of the dire immediate needs of the world in crisis around us. This week, listen to Simon Thode share one of the biggest lessons from his own spiritual journey. |
12th November 2022
BE BRAVE, BE WISE This week, Chrissie Blaze shares some personal stories about overcoming fears to help inspire you in your own journey towards God-realization. |
5th November 2022
TRY THIS TO GAIN CONTROL OF YOUR MIND Anyone can learn to gain greater control of their conscious mind – and reap the benefits in their spiritual practice, and in their day-to-day life too. This week, Lisa Rosser shares the personal transformation she experienced using one of the simple practices taught by Master of Yoga Dr. George King. |
29th October 2022
THE MOST SPIRITUAL THING WE CAN DO What is “being spiritual” really all about, anyway? Finding our own inner peace? Or living with greater compassion? This week, Mark Bennett reflects on the most spiritual thing any of us can do. It’s deep. And even if you think you know the answer…Have you ever stopped to ask “why”? |
22nd October 2022
WHAT PATH ARE YOU TAKING? An advanced soul needs more than short-lived happiness or material fulfilment. They need purpose. This week, Paul Nugent reflects on a crossroads in his own life. What path are you taking? Career ambition? Or a life devoted to spirituality – most of all, service to others? |
15th October 2022
CAN WE IGNORE THE EVIDENCE ANY LONGER? Are we really alone in the universe, or is the universe in actual fact teeming with intelligent life? And if it is, where are all these aliens? In this week’s podcast, Richard reflects on intelligent extraterrestrial life. Not just in distant star systems millions of light years away. But much closer to home. |
8th October 2022
DON'T GO WITH THE FLOW In this week’s episode: Julian reflects on the First Freedom – Bravery. We all face challenges when we choose to follow spiritual truth. It takes real bravery to go against the general flow of selfishness, greed and materialism on Earth. But bravery isn’t just the first step towards freedom, it is something we need to demonstrate. |
1st October 2022
ARE YOU PART OF THE RIPPLE EFFECT? In this week’s episode: Gino shares a collection of short stories and personal experiences from his own life on the theme of helping others. Who knows who you can inspire when you reach out to help someone in need! |
24th September 2022
WE ARE NOT HERE TO SUFFER In this week’s episode: Lisa reflects on the Eighth Freedom – Saturnian Existence. These beings from a higher plane of existence on the planet Saturn are actively engaged in helping all life on Earth to evolve out of suffering because they realize that no one is here on Earth to suffer. Our heritage is Enlightenment and joy! |
17th September 2022
HOW TO ESCAPE THE MATRIX In this week’s episode: Materialism is the lie that the meaning of life is the accumulation of things and pleasure brought by the senses. How can you avoid becoming a slave of this mental prison? This week Mark Bennett talks about what you can do to escape the “matrix” – and find true spiritual freedom. |
10th September 2022
THE GREAT TEST – EVEN FOR AN ADEPT In this week’s episode: Discover what every major religion has missed, but which you can find in the priceless words of Mars Sector 6 to use on your journey to Ascension. |
3rd September 2022
DETACHMENT IS THE ESSENCE OF ADEPTSHIP In spiritual teachings from around the world we are told to detach from various things on the path to Enlightenment, like materialism, ego, etc. In this week’s episode: In The Nine Freedoms, specifically the Fifth Freedom – Cosmic Consciousness – we are told one of the greatest secrets of detachment and true Adeptship. |
27th August 2022
ASCENSION IS MUCH MORE DIFFICULT THAN COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS – AN INSIGHT BY DR GEORGE KING In this week’s episode: Richard shares an unrecorded personal insight about Ascension given by Dr. King to one of his students. This is something that you cannot read or hear anywhere else! |
20th August 2022
CAN YOU ENTER COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS IN THIS LIFE? Cosmic Consciousness is a state in which you experience the greatest state of oneness achievable by mortals on Earth – a state in which time is virtually non-existent. In this week’s episode: Discover more about the journey to Cosmic Consciousness, and what you can do to tell the difference between spiritual truth and lies. |
13th August 2022
GOOD NEWS ABOUT COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS Cosmic Consciousness is the highest state of consciousness we can experience on Earth – a state in which you experience your oneness with the Cosmos…! This state is not only possible, it is also our destiny. In this week’s episode: Discover what you can do to work towards this state right now! |
6th August 2022
WHERE THERE’S LIGHT THERE’S LIFE Even planets and stars – like our Earth and the Sun of our Solar System – are living entities in their own right. The greatest beings in the Solar System, with the exception of the planets and the Sun Itself, are the Lords of the Sun. Discover more about the the Lords of the Sun and what they do to raise our consciousness! |
30th July 2022
THE GODS OF THE GODS – PART 2 In this week’s episode: Discover more about the feats of these Perfects and the practical lessons we can draw from their example for a better system of leadership on Earth. |
23rd July 2022
THE GODS OF THE GODS – PART 1 On Saturn and other planets in our Solar System there are civilizations millions of years more advanced than ours that live on higher levels of physical existence. Discover more about the Lords of Saturn, including a secret to spiritual advancement which you can use to unlock the door to greater spiritual Enlightenment. |
16th July 2022
WE WILL ACHIEVE ASCENSION – PART 4 An Ascended Master is someone with colossal physical, mental, psychic and spiritual powers we cannot begin to imagine… and yet they are real people, from Earth! In this week’s episode: Discover some of the outstanding attributes and powers of the Ascended Masters. |
9th July 2022
WE WILL ACHIEVE ASCENSION – PART 3 In this week’s episode: What would it be like to become someone who helps to raise the consciousness of all life around them; someone whose very presence changes the karma of the entire human race? |
2nd July 2022
WE WILL ACHIEVE ASCENSION – PART 2 In this four-part series, Richard explores the Sixth Freedom given to us by Mars Sector 6 – Ascension. In this week’s episode: Imagine if God were no longer just an idea to you, or even just a belief, but something that you had experienced for yourself. How would it change you? |
25th June 2022
WE WILL ACHIEVE ASCENSION – PART 1 Over the next four weeks, we are going to dive into the Sixth Freedom – Ascension, which describes what we actually need to do in order to become Ascended ourselves, and what we will experience when we get there. In this week’s episode: If you were to meet someone who was ready for this Initiation, what would they be like? |
18th June 2022
ENLIGHTENMENT IS SIMPLICITY In this week’s episode: Tune in and follow along with a guided contemplation led by Richard using this timeless aphorism given to us by Mars Sector 6. |
11 June 2022
ALL SPIRITUAL EXPERIENCE LEADS TO ASCENSION In this week’s episode: Ascension is mastery over all experience on Earth. In the past, the road to Ascension was about going within. Today the keynote is service to others. What does this change mean for us in our everyday lives? |
4th June 2022
FREEDOM AND FREE WILL – A GOD OF DIFFERENCE The more we evolve spiritually, the nearer we get to God and the more we experience true, lasting freedom. To do this we have to give up our petty free will. What does that mean? In this week’s episode: Discover more about the difference between freedom and free will, and the awesome spiritual destiny that awaits us all! |
28th May 2022
THE THREE LEVELS OF SERVICE Is it better to help other people in physical ways or spiritual ways? What is spiritual service to others, and why does it matter? How does helping others change your karma – and change the karma of the world? In this week’s episode: Discover more about the three levels of service – physical, spiritual and karmic! |
21st May 2022
YOU CAN’T HAVE FAITH AND FEAR AT THE SAME TIME In this week’s episode: Discover more about the role of real faith in helping to overcome fears of whatever kind, including phobias and psychological complexes, and the outstanding advice which the Master Aetherius offers to all spiritual seekers! |
14th May 2022
NO ONE CAN SPEAK TRUTH AND BE POPULAR In this week’s episode: Discover how to spot the genuine teachers from the fakes in your search for a spiritual teacher who can give you answers to life’s biggest questions. |
7th May 2022
THE CHAKRAS ARE THE JOURNEY (PART 2) In this week’s episode: Richard plays an extract from a lecture given by Dr King who describes – from his own personal experience – what happens when you raise Kundalini. Richard also leads a spiritual practice given by the Master Aetherius which you can use to help raise your consciousness towards your highest chakras. |
30th April 2022
THE CHAKRAS ARE THE JOURNEY (PART 1) In this week’s episode: Discover more about what the Master Aetherius and Mars Sector 6 had to say about this journey – and discover the key to awakening your chakras and opening the door of Enlightenment in your life. |
23rd April 2022
EVEN THE ASCENDED MASTERS HAVE CHANGED It is the amalgamation of Eastern and Western spiritual approaches into direct spiritual action throughout the world that is key to lasting spiritual Enlightenment. In November 1956 an extraordinary event took place in the mystical, floating city of Shamballa, catapulting this philosophy to the fore. |
16th April 2022
EASTER PROVED ASCENSION In this week’s episode: Discover the true meaning of the cross – a mystical symbol which predates Christianity by many thousands of years, and how this symbology applies even to Easter itself. |
9th April 2022
DIVINE LOVE Real Love, in its highest sense, is more than an emotion or a feeling. It’s not about like or dislike. It’s not personal. It’s an energy with many octaves of manifestation. The great Swami Vivekananda said: “The moment you have succeeded in manufacturing love out of prana, you are free.” |
2nd April 2022
DON’T LET ANYONE DELUDE YOU Anyone searching for spiritual truth knows what it feels like to swim against this tide of mass conditioning and materialism. But there is a way out. In this week’s episode: Mars Sector 6, speaking through the mediumship of Dr George King, warns us that people, whom he calls the “young ones” – young souls – are being deluded. |
26th March 2022
EVEN IF BLOOD IS THICKER THAN WATER TRUTH COMES FIRST In this week’s episode: We conclude our 4-part series exploring some of the limitations and delusions we must all overcome on Earth in our journey towards Enlightenment, Cosmic Consciousness and, ultimately, Ascension. Our topic this week is family tie. |
19th March 2022
BREAK FREE FROM POSSESSION In this week’s episode: We continue with our 4-part series exploring some of the limitations and delusions we must all overcome on Earth in our journey towards Enlightenment, Cosmic Consciousness and, ultimately, Ascension. Our topic this week is possession. |
12th March 2022
BREAK FREE FROM NATIONALISM In this week’s episode: We continue with our 4-part series exploring some of the limitations and delusions we must all overcome on Earth in our journey towards Enlightenment, Cosmic Consciousness and, ultimately, Ascension. Our topic this week is nationalism. |
5th March 2022
BREAK FREE FROM RACIAL PREJUDICE In this week’s episode: We kick off a 4-part series exploring some of the limitations and delusions we must all overcome on Earth in our journey towards Enlightenment, Cosmic Consciousness and, ultimately, Ascension. Our topic this week is racial prejudice. |
26th February 2022
UKRAINE CONFLICT SPECIAL In this special extended episode, Richard talks about what you can do right now to help bring peace, freedom and healing in the Ukraine conflict. Discover more about Love energy and follow along to radiate this power for yourself together with Alyson Lawrence! |
19th February 2022
SIX WAYS TO CULTIVATE ENLIGHTENMENT (PART 3) Mars Sector 6 gives to us not just the steps we need to take, but also the specific qualities that we will need too. In this week’s episode: Join us as we conclude our 3-part series exploring six ways you can cultivate Enlightenment in your everyday life, including perhaps the most important key of all! |
12th February 2022
SIX WAYS TO CULTIVATE ENLIGHTENMENT (PART 2) In this week’s episode: Join us as we continue our 3-part series, this time looking specifically at the qualities of patience and tolerance. How was Master of Yoga Dr George King an example of these qualities? How do they apply to someone working towards Enlightenment in our world today? |
5th February 2022
SIX WAYS TO CULTIVATE ENLIGHTENMENT (PART 1) In this mystic text, Mars Sector 6 tells us how to bring about a state of Enlightenment within ourselves – through Bravery, Love and Service. In this week’s episode: We kick off a 3-part series exploring six ways that you can cultivate the fruit of Enlightenment in your everyday life. |
29th January 2022
YOU CAN’T EVOLVE WITHOUT SERVING A key element of service is motive – the reason why we do what we do. In this week’s episode: How important is our motive in spiritual work? What can we do to guard ourselves against the wrong motive? Should we wait until we’re Enlightened before we serve? |
22nd January 2022
EXPERIENCE LOVE ENERGY In this week’s show: Mars Sector 6 tells us that real love is not a measure of emotion, but something much deeper – and greater. What better way to understand what love really is than by starting to experience it for ourselves? Follow along to give it a try! |
15th January 2022
HOW TO DISPENSE WITH FEAR In this week’s show: You can’t get anywhere on the spiritual path without bravery. Discover one of the keys to overcoming fear that we are given by Mars Sector 6 in the First Freedom. |
8th January 2022
THE ONLY REASON WE ARE ON EARTH This is the second episode in a new weekly format which we have launched to help you make the wisdom of The Nine Freedoms a part of your everyday life. In this week’s show: why are you here on Earth? Master of Yoga Dr. George King answers this question in just one sentence! |
1st January 2022
FEED YOUR SOUL WITH WISDOM A very Happy New Year to you all! May it be a year of greater joy, enlightenment and spiritual freedom for you. In this week’s show: what happens when you feed your Soul with wisdom? |
18th December 2021
THE GREAT ONES TRANSMUTE MIND AND MATTER Ascension is where we are all headed. It is our destiny on Earth. An Ascended Master doesn’t just have control over mind, but matter too. That’s the key to spiritual evolution – and the reason we’re all here. One of the most famous examples of Ascension is the Master Jesus. |
4th December 2021
WE EVOLVE COLLECTIVELY NOT INDIVIDUALLY The ancient wisdom said that we could each go within and amalgamate with God again, leaving everything else behind. The New Age wisdom of The Nine Freedoms says that no one – nothing, not even a Galaxy – can go back to God until all that there is goes back to God together with it. It has be done collectively. |
20th November 2021
A STAGGERING HISTORIC CHANGE TO THE ANCIENT WISDOM In this episode, Richard talks about a massive change that was made to the ancient wisdom we have followed on Earth for thousands of years. This change was so significant that it staggered Master of Yoga Dr George King when he heard it. Even to the likes of a Master of his calibre, it was historic! |
6th November 2021
GALACTIC INITIATION & GALACTIC CONSCIOUSNESS Imagine for a moment Cosmic Consciousness – a state in which you are one with all life upon the Earth… Now try to imagine Galactic Consciousness – a state in which you are one with all life throughout the Galaxy… millions upon million of worlds! |
16th October 2021
OVERCOMING THE ONLY MAJOR SIN ON EARTH In The Nine Freedoms Mars Sector 6 tells us that the only major sin on Earth is ignorance. Not ignorance in the sense of a lack of academic knowledge, but ignorance in the sense of a lack of true spiritual understanding – an understanding of Oneness. But he also gives us the solution – Enlightenment. |
2nd October 2021
THE GREATER YOU ARE, THE MORE ACTIVE YOU ARE What would you consider the hallmark of a great spiritual person? Wisdom? Compassion? Humility? Spiritual Powers? When the Master Aetherius described the greatest Master on the surface of the planet – the Lord Babaji – the word he chose was: active. |
18th September 2021
SERVICE IS LOVE IN PRACTICAL ACTION In true meditation, you experience a deep state of oneness. You know that all things are part of a vast, interrelated cosmic whole. Love becomes more than an emotion. It becomes something universal, impersonal and unconditional. Putting this into action is what service to others is really about. |
4th September 2021
THE PSYCHIC AND INTUITIVE ROADMAP TO ENLIGHTENMENT Enlightenment is much harder to attain than many people realize, but also much greater than any of us can really imagine… It is a state far deeper, and more mystical, than basic peace of mind. It is true peace. In the Fourth Freedom, Mars Sector 6 tells us what we can do to open the door of Enlightenment in our lives. |
21st August 2021
THE PHYSICAL AND MENTAL ROADMAP TO ENLIGHTENMENT Enlightenment is where we’re all headed, it’s just a question of when! In the Fourth Freedom, Mars Sector 6 gives us a roadmap to Enlightenment we all can follow. And in this episode of The Spiritual Freedom Show, Richard discusses the physical and mental aspects of this journey. |
7th August 2021
A TRANSFORMATION OF YOGA AND RELIGION “Serve – and you will become enlightened.” Richard explores this declaration and what it means for spirituality on Earth! Discover how giving service to others helps your karma, and can help you to face your own problems in life too; how to strike the right balance between giving service and doing spiritual practices; and much more. |
17th July 2021
WHAT IS TOTAL FREEDOM? According to the Cosmic Masters, the Sun is the most holy being in our Solar System. Everything we eat, everything we drink, everything we touch is solidified sunlight; the power and energy of those beings who make up the radiations of the Sun. When we feel the rays of the Sun upon our face, those rays have come from them. |
3rd July 2021
THREE WAYS TO MAKE FEAR NON-EXISTENT Bravery is essential at every stage of our spiritual evolution. The more we advance, the more we are tested, and the more we can continue to advance. In this episode Richard takes us back to the First Freedom to focus on three practical ways we can each combat fear in our own lives! |
19th June 2021
11 STEPS TO SATURNIAN EXISTENCE The most ancient, the most sacred, the most enlightened beings from any planet in this Solar System come from the planet Saturn. In ‘The Nine Freedoms’, for the first time in history, we have been given a real insight into their true, Divine nature. |
5th June 2021
HOW TO RAISE THE KUNDALINI THROUGH SERVICE Kundalini is a mystical power located at the base of the spine, sometimes referred to as the “Serpent Power”. Controlling this power is key to Enlightenment, Cosmic Consciousness and beyond. In fact the main, if not the only, reason we are here on Earth is to learn to control this power, and raise it in its entirety, up the spine. But how? |
15th May 2021
WHAT HAPPENS AFTER ASCENSION? After we have reached Ascension – the final initiation for all of us on Earth – we are free from the wheel of rebirth. But what’s next…?! In this episode of the Spiritual Freedom Show, Mars Sector 6 gives us a glimpse – for the first time – into the real nature of interplanetary existence: the next stage in our spiritual evolution. |
1st May 2021
BEYOND NIRVANA For centuries people believed that Nirvana was the final destination; a complete amalgamation with the Divine Source. But, in the Sixth Freedom, Mars Sector 6 reveals to us a completely new vista of spiritual evolution. He gives us a glimpse into the world of the ageless Ascended Masters on Earth and even life on other planets. |
17th April 2021
DESCRIBING THE INDESCRIBABLE STATE OF COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS In the Fifth Freedom, Mars Sector 6 describes Cosmic Consciousness – the highest state of consciousness we can achieve on Earth. Only a relative handful have ever experienced this state, and even fewer have tried to describe it publicly. |
3rd April 2021
LOVE – AN ACTIVE, LIVING ENERGY – 24/7 If there is anything that will change the world, it’s Love! Not the conditional love we experience as basic emotion, but true, unconditional, impersonal Love – something that motivates our work to help others and which we can radiate, as an energy, to help heal our world. |
20th March 2021
HOW TO CHOOSE YOUR PATH There are a number of different true paths to the Divine, but there are also a number of false claims and dead-end roads, but, if we learn to use our powers of discrimination – intuition and logic – we will be able to choose wisely. |
6th March 2021
TWO KEYS TO OVERCOMING FEAR Whatever problems we might face in life, it’s not fer that’s going to help us deal with them – it’s enlightenment. When faced with a potentially dangerous situation, we need to recognize the risks and act responsibly, but not live in fear. |
27th February 2021
THE EVERLASTING GREATNESS OF THE ASCENDED MASTERS The Ascended Masters on Earth are not just serving us – they are saving us! Without their presence, civilisation as we know it could not continue. It’s a bold claim; it’s a big claim, but Master of Yoga Dr George King was adamant: if they left tonight, we would have only minutes. So who are they? |
20th February 2021
THE BENEFITS OF PSYCHIC ABILITIES Clairvoyance, psychic touch, psychic hearing – psychic abilities in general – are in fact all perfectly normal! Having psychic abilities can make the world feel like a fuller, more liberating, and more exciting place to be. You’ll be able to do things you never thought were possible. And it starts with overcoming our fear of the unknown. |
13th February 2021
VICTORY THROUGH EXPERIENCE If I asked you what you thought the first step on the ladder to enlightenment was, what would you say? Compassion? Kindness? Humility? Mars Sector 6 tells us–unambiguously–that the first step on the ladder is Bravery. Without it, to paraphrase another great Master, we will get nowhere. Life is about experience. |
6th February 2021
SERVICE IS GREATNESS Who would you consider more spiritual? An atheist with the courage to leave home and serve others suffering in terrible poverty, or a devoted yogi secluded in the Himalayas in pursuit of their own enlightenment – and only their own enlightenment? |
2nd January 2021
THE SPIRITUAL FREEDOM SHOW WITH RICHARD LAWRENCE: PREMIERE Do you want to know the purpose of life and why you are here? Be at peace with your destiny? Give powerful service to the world? Discover the extraterrestrial message for these days? Experience true spiritual freedom? Listen to the podcast to find out more. |