UFOs and the power of prayer
Interview with Alan Robson on the Night Owls Show (interview 2 hours 14 minutes in) The alien worshippers
VICE Magazine, September 2017 (filmed at Operation Prayer Power pilgrimage on Holdstone Down, Devon – 23 July 2017) The Cosmic Avatar Dr George King
Richard speaking at the International UFO Conference, Norway, 2 Oct 2015 Contacts with the Gods from Space
Richard speaking at the International UFO Conference, Norway, 3 Oct 2015 From inner peace to world peace: The Twelve Blessings
The Twelve Blessings is a beautiful set of teachings - delivered by The Master Jesus in 1958 through the brilliant mediumship of Dr George King - which gives a cosmic concept. Through the practice of this we can experience inner peace and help to bring about world peace. Richard Lawrence discusses Prayer Energy
Interview by Karen Frandsen of Eerie Investigations, March 2010 Unfinished Business
Written by rock legend Dave Davies of The Kinks and Richard Lawrence under the "influence" of John Lennon |
Tuesday, 17 December - Chakras - the second most valuable thing in all of existence - part 2 - Richard Lawrence and Chrissie Blaze - Aetherius Radio Live Tuesday, 27 August - Were ancient dieties actually aliens? - Richard speaking with Charlotte Kosa - California Haunts Radio Saturday, 17 August from 1-2pm - Richard speaking with Lembit Öpik - TNT News Wednesday, 14 August at 9.40am - Richard speaking with Lembit Öpik about ‘oceans’ of water found 12 miles beneath the surface of Mars - TNT News (interview starts from 43:23 minutes) Friday, 26 July - Unlock your psychic abilities: a deep dive with Richard and Schuyler Brown - Mysticast Tuesday, 16 July at 7am PDT / 3pm BST - Discovering true fulfilment with special guest Richard Lawrence - Interivew with Dr Pat - Transformation Talk Radio Monday, 25 March at 4.50pm - Richard speaking with Jane Garvey - Times Radio Wednesday, 7 March - Knowledge vs. belief: can science and spirituality co-exist? - Richard speaking with Dallas Campbell - Mysticast 2023Interviews
Monday, 23 October at 1-2am EDT / 6-7am BST - Richad speaking with Jason Bland - Paranormal Soup Friday, 29 September at 11am - Richard is speaking with Joe Talbot about UFOs and commenting on a Netflix documentary called 'Encounters' - BBC Radio Sussex Thursday, 14 September at 4.45pm - Richard speaking with Patrick Christys about the latest UFO hearing in the Mexican Congress - GB News Thursday, 31 August at 6am BST - Richard speaking with Jeremy Scott - Wednesday, 9 August at 10.15am - Richard speaking with Steph Watkins - BBC Radio Guernsey Saturday, 5 August at 10.20pm - Richard was a guest on the James Whale show discussing the latest UFO news and much more - TalkTV Wednesday, 2 August from midnight (PT) | Thursday, 3 August from 8am (BST) Richard speaking with George Noory about the latest UFO developments - Coast to Coast AM Thursday, 27 July at 6.55pm - Richard is a guest of John Pienaar speaking about UFOs - Times Radio Thursday, 27 July at 12.30pm - Richard speaking with Mike Graham about the latest US Congress hearing on UFOs - TalkTV Wednesday, 25 July - Richard speaking with Rex Bear - Leak Project Sunday, 23 July from 10.10pm - Richard is a guest on 'The Unaxplained' with Howard Hughes - TalkTv Monday, 17 July at 8.45am - Richard is a guest on the 'Breakfast with Eamonn and Isabel' show speaking about the latest news on UFOs - GB News Thursday, 1 June at 10.40am - Richard speaking to Sarah Gorrell about UFOs - - BBC Radio Sussex Saturday, 25 March from 10.20pm - Richard is a guest on the James Whale show - TalkTV Friday, 17 February at 11.10am - Richard commenting on the recent shooting down of aerial objects by American fighter jets - BBC Radio WM ArticlesA Credible Extraterrestrial “Channeler” Delivers A Message For Humanity From Outer Space - published in Collective Evolution on 30 January 2021
‘Everything we know about Christmas is wrong’ says West London UFO 'expert' - MyLondon online, 8 December 2020 'There are a lot of spiritual goings on' says ET guru on why London is 'UFO sighting hotspot' - MyLondon online, 19 May 2020 UFOs are here to stay! - Body Mind Spirit Guide magazine (pages 10-11), January 2020 Discipleship Through the Ages - More to Life magazine (pages 44-45), edition 49, 2020 Contacts with the Gods from Space - 'X' Chronicles Newspaper (pages 8-9), Dec 2019/Jan 2020 Have Faith in Prayer - Spirit & Destiny (pages 48-49), October 2019 The disciple's journey - Kindred Spirit (pages 61-63), Issue 166, Sept/Oct 2019 They came from other worlds - The Paranormal Chronicles (pages 63-66), Issue 3, Summer 2019 Channel the Power of the Universe - More to Life, Edition 45, 2019 Preventing World War Three - 6 Point Plant to Improve World Karma - Kindred Spirit, Summer Special 2018 One man who 'channels' extraterrestrials tells us why they're here - Collective Evolution, 26 February 2018 Karma Yoga in overdrive - More to Life, edition 39, pages 24-25, July 2017 Dynamic Prayer - a central pillar of King Yoga - More to Life, edition 38, pages 24-25, May 2017 A man communicating with an extraterrestrial from Mars - taken seriously by the BBC - Collective Evolution, 7 April 2017 Real success: the benefits of King Yoga - Kindred Spirit, 6 April 2017 Religion segment: The Aetherius Society - London360, 5 April 2017 Dr George King - Master of Yoga - More to Life, edition 37, pages 24-25, January 2017 Yoga Updated: the world peace version - Kindred Spirit, January-February issue 2017 Karma Yoga, the Path to Spiritual Freedom through Selfless Service - New Vision, Volume 94, No 2, Summer 2015 The Path of the Karmic Athlete - Kindred Spirit, Issue 137, July/August 2015, pages 56-57 Jesus came to Earth in a UFO says writer of Contacts With The Gods From Space - Western Daily Press - April 7, 2015 Avatars and Gods who came to Earth - Part 1 - Body Mind Spirit Guide, 3 April 2015 - article reprinted with permission from Kindred Spirit The Yoga of Dr George King - More to Life, edition 31 Spring 2015, pages 38-39 Writings from the next world - Psychic News, Issue 4126, April 2015, pages 24-25 My Contact with a God from Space – UFO Today, Issue IV, 2015, pages 33-38 Dr George King: Cosmic Avatar – Paradigm Shift, Issue 70, March 2015, pages 26-28 The Age of Aetherius - Phenomena Magazine, Issue 69, January 2015, pages 13-15 Avatars and Gods who came to Earth - Kindred Spirit, Issue 134, January/February 2015, pages 54-55 Jesus, Buddha, Gandhi and Sophocles were all aliens – – July 23, 2014 Dr George King: Contactee with the Gods from Space – Exopolitics Magazine, download Issue 1, Summer 2014, page 25 Pilgrimage to Welsh mountain that’s rammed with ‘alien power’ – Wales Online, May 25, 2014 |