Smite hard the boulder of certainty
Which blocks the way to clarity and truth. Unveil the cloth of dogma Which covers the rose-petalled knowledge of the seer. Cast aside these obstacles which have been Constructed and woven from the lowest realms of Earth. For now the time of revelation is here And no man can stop this. The starched collars and velvet robes have no value In this currency of truth. Nor so do dusty parchment scrolls bearing Seals of office of prominence and power, For prominence and power themselves are dust In this noble currency. Strike from the register all titles, Be they even from the pontificate, For such have no value here where this light does shine. Mea culpa, for I too have drunk this poison, But now I am refreshed by the cool springs of nature’s gospel – Revelation, Realisation, Reality Itself. And yet even in the midst of so much sorrow, So many lies and all the tortuous diversions Which masquerade as life on this earthly plane, This currency exists. Not in the great halls of learning, Nor yet in the religious assemblies, Neither in chambers of commerce And certainly not in political forums Can we find this. But in the honest, plain-speaking, truth-seeking, Love-sharing, light-bearing people Who reject all forms of programmed obedience, Knowingly or unknowingly, to the will of those below. It is to these, even in these basic realms, That this currency shall come, And even “they” can’t stop this now. So take heart, be renewed, For even when all around seem trapped in their prisons, Fabricated from below but accepted without question by them, Know that this need not be so. Those prison bars can be broken, And this must be. Be prepared – for they will need a new home then, Constructed from Reality Itself And purchased in the Currency of Truth. Dante (c) Richard Lawrence 2013 |