The first sighting on record was seen in Atlantis or possibly even earlier than that. The so called flying saucer cannot be compared to those early descriptions. My sighting is called a cloud in the Bible which is equally foolish as a term of description. You do not need to see one to work with the great Cosmic Lords who appear in our skies in vehicles we might see. Co-operate with The Aetherius Society and you will discover the truth about them more surely than any sighting, photograph, radar signal, film or even fragment of their craft. Work with them and you will know that their words spoken through Dr George King are the true wisdom of this Age. My experience has proved to me the value of the Commandments of those days and the new wisdom which should be followed as the Commandments of today. Blessings be upon your work.
An Old Testament leader
© Richard Lawrence 2020
An Old Testament leader
© Richard Lawrence 2020